Chapter 5

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I was shaking vigorously. I was taking quick short breathes and still felt like no oxygen was reaching my lungs. My cheeks started to burn from the warm tears sliding down them.

"Come on baby we don't have much time." He stated. What does he mean?

"MMhmmpph! Mhmop! Mmmhhmphh!" I started to scream on top of my lungs trying to cling onto any last string of hope I had left.

Chad came forward and grabbed my knees to turn me around.

Just then the door opened.

My vision was blurry from the constant tears forming in my eyes.

"What the fuck?" the person said. I immediately recognized the one voice I'll never forget all my life.

In a split second the grip of Chads hands lifted from me.

I blinked my eyes to clear them.

Upon focusing my eyes, I finally saw him.


He had grabbed Chad by the collar, then drew his fist back and punched him hard on his face.

Chad stumbled back tripping on the floor because of his loose pants that were around his mid thighs.

Chad was on the ground and Kyle jumped on top of him smashing his face with punches one after another.

I was terrified and shocked with the incident that just occurred. I was frozen in place, I've never seen Kyle this outraged before. The usual vein on his temple was bulging out again.

"Kyle...dude! Listen-" Chad tried to explain himself. However, Kyle didn't even give him a chance to say anything.

He kept on shouting curse words at Chad, while Chad tried protecting himself with his hands.

"How dare you touch her you son of a bitch! To think you'll get away with this? I'll fuckin kill you! You bastard! She's mine you heard me! Only I can touch her!" Kyle shouted.

I was surprised hearing everything Kyle was yelling out in such rage.

After a few seconds Chad's hands started to limp to the ground. Kyle kept punching his face, not even slowing down a bit. Chad's face was now badly bruised with cuts and blood. He eyelids were puffed out completely shutting the eye. Blood was oozing from his mouth.

Chad just lay there like a lifeless punching bag. No reaction was being produced from Kyles smashes.

Is he dead or unconscious? I couldn't confirm.

Wait...No...This is wrong he's going to kill him! That's if he's not dead already.

"Mmhohmmp!" I tried yelling stop, but it was of no use.

Kyle stopped his punches now. He was panting hard from exhaustion

Then he looked at me. The whites of his eyes were bloodshot red with such wrath. However, his eyes were looking at me, with.... worry?

His left hand still gripped Chad's collar, but I could tell both of his hands were shaking. He let go of chad and crawled towards me.

My eyes were wide open with fear.... but somehow, with Kyle here I felt.... Safe.

I can't explain it, even though he's done so much to me; abused me, harassed me, ridiculed me, yet somehow, I just know that he will never try to do what Chad just did.

His hands reached the knot of the towel at the back of my head. After it became undone his eyes scanned my face.

I was a mess, I felt disgusted being in front of him in this condition.

His hand slowly started to inch towards my bruised cheek but stopped once I flinched.

His eyes wandered down to my body, but he quickly averted them. He pulled my shirt down and shifted me a bit to undo the garbage bag restraining my hands.

After I was completely free, I rubbed my wrists to ease them of their pain. They were tied so hard that my hands had a slight purple-blue tint to them.

Before I could think of anything else, I grabbed my pants and pulled them back up. I looked towards Chad, but he just laid there on the ground motionless.

I turned my head towards Kyle. He was still staring at me intently. Like I was about to break any second. "I...Th-thank yo-"

Before I could finish, Kyle's arms wrapped around me tightly, his head resting on top of my shoulder. His shaking body started to calm down.

He lifted his head and caressed my cheeks with his hands. "It's okay.... you're safe now. Don't worry." He said calmly

I was stunned. Is this really Kyle?

I couldn't hold it back any more. I grabbed Kyles shirt and pressed my head against his chest and let it all out. I sobbed on his chest while he patiently waited and rubbed his hand on my back.

"Its okay, everything's fine now, I've got you. I'm so sorry Anna..."

I still couldn't believe what I went through. For the first time in my life I was relieved to have Kyle near me.

After a while I started to sniffle. Embarrassed that Kyles shirt was ruined from my tears and snot. I finally looked up at him.

"I-I was so scared Kyle...Chad...he he..." I couldn't complete my sentence because the recent incident started to replay in my mind.

"Shhhh..." He put his index figure on my lips. Then his eyes followed the cut on my lower lip. He wiped away the line of dripped blood and his eyebrows started to crease again with anger. He clenched his teeth tightening his jaw.

"That fucking bastard!" He seethed. Then he started to make his way back to Chad, but I grabbed onto his arm. He looked at my hand holding him then looked at me.

"C-can we please l-leave, I don't want to be here a-anymore," I stammered. I was feeling claustrophobic standing in the closet.

He quickly blinked his eyes and grabbed my hand. Walking out, he let go and quickly went back in the closet and started to check Chads pants. He grabbed his phone and a set of keys.

He came back out and with the keys in his hands he started to lock the door. So he stole the Janitors keys?

"Wait...Chads still in there? How will he get out?" I questioned.

"He can rot in there forever for all I care." He scowled.

After locking the door, he grabbed my hand again and we started to walk towards the exit of the school.

He led me towards his car in the parking lot and opened the passenger side door for me. I quietly sat inside. He got in after me and started the car.

"I'm taking you to the hospital. Then we will call the police from there to file a case against that bastard." He said.

Hospital? Police? File a case? way...I can't afford hospital fees and on top of that involving the police? The whole school will get to know about the incident. I will be disgraced by everyone. I'm already going through a lot to add another story to my name.

Plus, Chad is rich. He will get out of the police in just a few days. What if he comes back for worse?

My mind started jumbling up with so many questions that it started to hurt.

Kyle started glancing at my panicked form while driving. "What are you thinking about Anna?"

"Please just take me home. I'm completely fine. I think he already got what he deserved, plus, its not like my word against him would do him any harm." I reasoned with him.

"Don't worry. All you have to do is file the case. I'll make sure he's in it for good. Trust me. He will never, ever, be a threat to you again. I'll make sure he goes through hell for this." He said. "And I'm taking you to the hospital. That's final."

I sighed and laid back on the seat. What has my life come to?

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