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You still have a chance to stop!

Ok, let's just start that thing T_T


I gasped and looked around. My room...
,,Shit..." I said to myself. It was another nightmare. I was trembling, because it was so realistic. 
It took a while for me to calm down.

,,Okay, time to get ready for school". 
I dressed up and went to the car.


I was walking in the corridor, looking if someone's misbehaving. Of course there were some children running.
,,Hey! No running in the halls!" I said to them.
I kept walking for few minutes. Then I saw Baldi entering the school bulding. He was kinda pensive. 

,,Hi Baldi" I said to him.

,,Oh, hi, hi" he answered quickly and kept walking without even looking at me. It was... weird. 
Weird, because he was acting like this for some time now. I tried to talk with him, of course, but he "always had someting to do". To admit, I was a little bit worried, ha was my friend after all. Or maybe something more for me? 
,,No, stop it" I thought. ,,I'll try to talk with him again later".

After lessons

I've just done my paper work and looked at the clock. It was 4 pm.
,,Okay, maybe I should go talk with Baldi now" I said. 
I did what I said and started walking to the class 99. 
I slowly opened the door.
,,Baldi, you here?" I asked and then saw something that made my heart skip a beat. Baldi's hands were bleeding!
"Godness, what happened?!" I asked and went to him. 
,,N-nothing, just the bottle I had in my bag had broken, I guess" he said. ,,It's nothing, leave it".
,,How can you say it's nothing, you're bleeding as hell! The nurse has already gone... I'll help you, follow me". I said.
,,You're unnecesarily making a fuss...".


Godness, I wanted to go home already. Indeed, my hands were bleeding, but I don't care. I want to go home already. And not really want to talk with anyone. 
I followed principal to the nurse's office. 

,,Sit down here, please. I'll take care of it" principal said.
I did what he told me. He take out hydrogen peroxide and bandages. 
,,Okay, give me your hand".

Again I did what he wanted. He poured hydrogen peroxide on my hands. I hissed, because it hurted a little. 

,,Sorry, it will pass soon" principal said.
,,No, it's nothing".

I can't look at him. 


I tied the bandage. Baldi's hands were so soft and thin. He was all thin. And I think he.. lost weight?
All this time he was avoiding my eyes, he looked like he was hiding something.
,,Anyway, Baldi, how are things lately?" I asked. 
,,Fine, like always" he answered.
I took care of second hand. Few minutes passed and I finished.

,,Okay, done" I said.

,,Thank you... and sorry" Baldi said. ,,I'll be going now".
,,Wait Baldi".
He stopped and turned around.

,,Don't go, I need to talk with you".


Oh, cool. When I want to go home as fast as I can, there always must be some obstacle. 
,,Okaaay, so what is this?" I asked.

,,Well, umm..." Principal started. ,,I've noticed that you were acting strange lately. I mean, you were pensive and quiet, you were avoiding me and so on... And I just wanted to know if everyting is alright".
My legs were like wool, my heart began to beat faster. So he noticed? How? How could he notice? I was trying so hard. I don't want anyone to know. Why? Why?!
How am I supossed to tell him that? What would he think, if I said that I feel like I'm dead? That I can't feel anything but sadness and relutcante? 

,,Um, I..." I wanted to say something, but my voice break down. I see he's waiting for answer. 
I began to feel stressed. I just looked away and run away. As far as I can. To my home.


,,Baldi, wait!" I shouted after him. No use, he was already gone. 

Now I'm really worried and I know that something's wrong. But what can I do? Lock him in the room and not let out until he tells me? No, never. I need to think about it.
,,Eh, I'm going home" I said to myself. ,,I need to think".

687 words, my godness what have i created...

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