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"Achoo!" I sneezed. Oh? Am I sick? But how?

"Nah, it doesn't matter" I said to myself. Even if I'm sick, I can't stay in home. Too much work.

I took my papers and went to classroom.

After lessons

Another day at work. I started getting ready to go to home. I felt weird, kinda dizzy...

"Mr Baldi, I think we have to talk again" I heard familiar voice. Guess whose?

"Oh, what is this princi?" I asked.

"Please come to my office" he said with straight face. Did I do something wrong? Or maybe I didn't grade tests well?

At Princi's office

"So? What did you want to talk about?" I asked. "Or maybe another detention?" I said ironicaly.

"No Baldi..." he asnwered. "Although I know you want it~".

I smirked.
"So, will you tell me that secret?" I asked.
He took a step closer. When he was too close I moved back, but I touched desk, so I coulnd't go further. He leanded to my face and touched my forehead.
"I knew it!" he said loudly. "You have a fever!"



That guy! He can't even take care of himself!

"What "what"?" You have a fever and you look pale. Guess someone caught a cold." I said.

"Nooo, I don't think so." he answered.

"But I think so. I think you should stay in home for some time."

"What? No! I'm not- achoo! I'm not sick!"

"Yes, you are!"

"No, I'm not!"
"Baldi, what harms you to stay home for few days?" I asked.

"Nothing, but I just don't want to stay in home." he answered.

"And why?"

"Ah, jeez, Baldi just tell me!"
He went silent.

"Jeez!" he raised his voice. "I just don't want to be alone there- achoo!"

Ohh, he doesn't want to be alone, how cute ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"If you want, I can stay with you" I said.
"W-what? But you are prinicpal, you can't just-"
"There is also assistant principal, don't you remember?"
Again, he went silent.

"No, that's bad idea." he said. "I don't want to waste your time, I will stay and work."

Stubborn one.

Next day


How did I end up like this...

That bastard didn't let me get to school. And of course, I had to stay in home. In bed. With him.

"Goddness, just like child" I said to myself queitly. "I can take care of myself, what does he think?!"

Speaking of the devil!

"Ok, I made you some milk with honey. Do you like it, honey?" he said with that smile.

"Princi, I told you, I can take care of myself! Go to school, you're principal, you can't just-"

"Oh, just be quiet. Is this bad that I want to spend some time with someone I love?" Princi said.
With the person you love, huh...

"N-no, it's not bad, but..." I started.
"You're sick, so I will take care of you and keep you company. You said that you don't want to be alone, remember? So relax, man!" he laughed.
I sighed.
"Alright, do what you want" I said with indifferent tone. He smiled in response.

"That's what I wanted to hear."

Time passed. I drank that milk and he added too much honey! But well, I can't complain, it would be rude of me. He doesn't have to be here, but he is here. Even though he should be at work! I don't want him to have problems because of me, but what can I do? He is too stubborn!
"You live nicely, Baldi" he said. "Your house is cozy and neat."

"Thank you" I answered.
"Hey, actually this is my first time in your house!"

"Oh, indeed" I realized.

And silence...

"Hey Baldi..." princi started.
"Yes?" I answered.
"Remember when you told me that you feel dead... and so on?"
I gulped. What? He really wants to talk about it?

"Um, yes, I remember" I answered.

"Well, I wanted to ask you if you still feel it..."
He looked so... worried.

I approached him and embraced his face with hands.
"Princi, I don't feel it as much as I used to. And it's because of you, you know?" I smiled to him.

"Because of me? Are you kidding? A lot of things happened, and I forgot that you have this. I didn't take care of you like I should. I'm sorry..."
"Don't apologize! You help me a lot, you're so kind to me, and you dare to apologize?" I said.
He sighed and huged me.

"I love you, you know..." he said."Mhm, I know" I answered with smile.
"Tell me whenever you feel upset or sad, okay?"
"Okay, I will, so please don't worry anymore. Not about me." I said and kissed him. After this we looked at each other.
"I want to know everything about you." Princi said.

"Please tell me." he said it with those puppy eyes.
"B-but what should I tell you?" I asked.
"Well, let's see...How tall are you? In detail."
"Um, I'm 5'5 tall*. And you?"
"I'm 6'3**."
"Oh, really? I knew you were tall, but I didn't expect that."
"Hmm, and I always knew you were kinda too short for an adult man." he laughed.
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean-"
"You are left or right handed?"

"I'm ambidextrous."
"Really? Wow, that's cool. I'm right-handed."
"Oh, I know. How do you-"
I coulnd't finish my ask, because I started coughing. I forgot about my sickness.

And so the story went...


I found some medicine in his locker. 
It was such a nice conversation that I forgot that he's sick. 
"You feel better?" I asked.
"Yeah, much better." he answered.

I touched his forehead.
"Looks like your fever went down. I'm glad."
He nodded. 
"Well, looks like I should go home now. If you will feel worse, call me." I said. "Get well, my dear." 
When I was about to leave, I felt grip on my shirt. I turned around. 

"Don't go..." Baldi said. 
I smiled. He can be cute!
"You sure?" I asked.

"If young master wishes so..." I said and kissed his forehead.
He also smiled.
"Thank you, princi."

* 5'5 - 165cm

** 6'3 - 190cm

Based on real events.

I mean I'm sick, of course!
Sorry, I lost the thread at the end. I'm not really satisfied with this chapter.
I'll try
my best next time!

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