Detention ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Umm... nsfw?


The week has passed. From that time, I noticed that Baldi was smiling more often and became more talkactive. I'm so glad... If he's feeling good, then I'm too.

I went to our little kitchen in our school, I need some coffee. I had to wake up earlier today, so I need some energy. 

When I walked into the room I saw Baldi. 
,,Good morning Baldimore" I said softly and smiled.
,,Oh, morning" he said. ,,Want some coffee?"

,,Yes, please."
He looked tried.

,,You didn't sleep well?" I asked.
,,Yeah... I woke up at 4 am and couldn't sleep anymore" he said.
,,Oh, I see...and so besides, how are you feeling?"
,,Not bad, I must say"
,,That's good to hear" I smiled.
We drinked coffee together and then Baldi went to his classroom, and I went to my office.

Timeskipyesimlazy After lessons

I've done my paper works and I went to see if anyone hasn't left school yet. It was already 4 pm.
I walked in corridor and then saw Playtime. She also saw me.
,,Hey, mr principal! Let's play!" she came up to me.
,,Playtime, shoulnd't you be in home already?" I asked her.
,,I'm waiting for my mom... No, not really now, I see her! Good bye Principal, let's play tomorrow!" she said and ran to her mom. Adorable child!
I also saw Baldi. Oh, and I even got and idea. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
,,Hey Baldi!"
He turned around. 

,,Not being so adorable in the halls!" I put my hands on his shoulders and smile.
,,W-what?" he asked. ,,I'm not a-adorbale..." he murmured with a light blush. 
,,Detention for you!" I said. ,,Come to my office."

In the office

,,How can a teacher have detention?" Baldi asked with ironic smile. 
I didn't answer, just smiled at him. I walked closer to him and looked at his bandages. 
,,Does it still hurts?" I asked.
,,No, not really" he answered. 


I took his hand and kissed it. (omgwhatamidoing)

,,H-hey, what are you doing?!" he asked blushing. 
,,What, don't you see?" I smiled at him.

I got a little closer and kissed his neck.

,,Aah, s-stop it..." he said.

,,Why?" I whispered in his ear and bit it gently. He catched his breath. ,,You don't like it?"
,,I-I... umm..." 
I smirked.
,,I love you Baldi" I said.
,,Well... I love you too..." he said and hid his face in the hollow of my neck. 
,,Baldi, look at me" I asked.
He slowly looked at me. He was all red. I kissed him.
,,Heh, you really are cute!" I said.

,,S-shut up..."

I think I'm more red than Baldi >\\\<
Sorry, I know it's a little bit short, but I have no good idea. I don't want to write anything. 

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