Hug (NSFW)

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I noticed that chapter with "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" had more views. Oh, you little perverts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ANOTHER CHAPTER NOT SAFE FOR WORK 


I gasped. A nightmare again...
What time is it?
5 PM. Saturday. I don't have to go to job today. Yey? 
I laid down on the bed and tried to sleep a little bit longer, but I coulnd't. I have engouh of these nightmares, every night. 
I was lying in the bed peacefully and suddenly I've rememberd what happend yesterday between me and principal. I immediately felt blush on my face. I'm not used to do things like that! I can't even understand why he loves me. I don't really understand love. 
Is this a relation between two persons? It should be. But people call it "feeling". So I've always wondered, do people actually love a person, or love the feeling that this person makes them feel? It's a little bit selfish that way. I don't get it at all. 
Principal said he loves me. But why? What is it about me to love me?  

I said I love him too. Do I? Is this a love? I don't know... I like him, I like spending time with him and I'm so happy that he cares about me, but also don't want to make him worried...
"Jeez, just like an old men..." I said to myself. "Stop thinking, it would be the best for you". 
But I didn't listen to myself.
Maybe I should just ask him? Why he loves me?
"Noo, that would be weird..." I scolded myself.

Time passed, it was already 8 am. Did I really spend 3 hours just lying in bed? 

Not like I have something to do. 
Looks like a another boring day... 
I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, looked inside and closed. I don't really have appetitie.
I don't know what to do with myself. 

I was hanging around my house when I suddenly heard a message. 
"Hm? Who can it be? Rather, nobody is writing to me over the weekend..." 
I went to my phone. One message.

"Hey Baldi, it's Saturday, I thought maybe we could meet? I'm free all day." It was from the Principal! 
I'm suprised, but also happy. I want to see him, but that means that I have to go outside... No, I don't think that I ca-

,,Okay, no problem" I replied. Eh...
Few second later I got answer.

,,Okay! I'll come for you at 12 pm".

Oh cool, I have four hours to make myself look like a human being. 

Time skip youknowhy

It was already 12 pm he's still not here. Maybe something happened? 
Oh, no, I saw him through the window.

Wait! Do I look normal? I looked at the mirrow. Okay, it's not that bad.

Hmm, ok, ok so I just need to greet him and behave normal. Like myself. No! Better no.
Why am I so stressed? It's principal, remember? So I don't need to wo-
The bell ranged. Ok, just be normal.
I went to the door and opened. 
"Hello Baldi!" Principal said. 
"Hi princi" I answered. 
"So, you need to something more or can we go already?" he asked.
"Oh, yes, let's just go".

Time skip, in the city centre

As the time passed, I felt more relaxed. We were just hanging around, talking about everything and having fun. I even didn't feel that everyone is looking at me. 
And as always, when people are having fun, time passes quickly. It was already 7 pm! We spent together 8 hours! It was worth to come outside. 
We were in the galllery, when principal asked:

"Hey, it's a little bit late, maybe you want to come to my house?"
Oh... well... WELL
"Sure, why not" I answered. 
We went to his car and then went to his house. 
I've never been in his house. It was pretty big, much bigger than mine, light and just spacious. 
"Woow" I said quietly. "You have amazing house, princi".

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