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I went to school, later than always. I overslept a little.
I saw Baldi, he saw me and went over to me.
"Oh my, our principal is late?" he asked with mischievous smile. 
"Said mr Perfect, huh?" I teased.
He looked at me and just made "Hmpf!".
We were walking in the corridor, chatting and laughing, when mr Sweep passed us, he winked at Baldi saying "Hello!", totally ignoring me. 
Baldi looked confused and so was I. We looked at each other.
"Maybe he's drunk." said Baldi. "Let's go."


Another day at work...
I was about to finish marking my student's tests.
Where did I go wrong? Why are this children so dumb at maths? 
Familiar voice roused me from my thoughts: 
"Good afternoon, Baldi!" said mr Sweep. Oh...
"Oh, good afternoon." I answered. "What's up?"
"Oh, well..." he started. "You see, Baldi-"
Baldi? Why is he calling me by my first name? We like each other, but we've never called ourselves by first names. 
"I don't know how to put this... Well, I wanted to tell you something important."
"So?" I looked at him. "Are you going to tell me this secret?"
He went silent for few seconds.
"Forgive me for being so direct, but Baldi, I like you. For some time now. Long time. I guess you didn't notice, heh... And I just didn't know how to tell you this, I was afraid that you would reject me because we are both men, but then... I'm sure now that it's not problem for you."
Eee, what? What did he just say? And what does he mean by "it's not problem for me"? Did he notice something...?
"Um, well..." I started. "It's nice to hear, but sorry, I don't feel the same way about you." 
Again, silent. 
"I see. But I'm suprised. I though we're friends and you like me." he said.
"I do like you, but not that way-"
"Ah, yes, I see! You prefer principal, huh? What does he have, what I do not have? Please tell me, mr Baldi, I'd really want to know." he said and took a step towards me. 
"Principal? What are you saying? I don't prefer him-" did he really notice?!
"Oh, stop lying." he was already too close. "I see that you are close to him. The way you look at him, you blush like a girl next to him. Not to mention those sparkles in your eyes when you are next to him." he said with pocker face.
He rested his hands on the wall, preventing me from escaping.
"Um, you're a little too close." I said quietly, looking back. I don't want to be close with him, I already have someone I love. 
Please, make it stop!
"Looks like I have to make you mine." 
I felt dry lips on my neck. I trembled. What the fuck is he doing?!
"Hey, stop this!" I raised my voice, but he didn't listen to me. "I'm not kidding, stop! It's not funny anymore!"


I was about to go back to my office, when I heard some noises.
I walked next to classroom's door. 
"Stop fucking around, you pervert!" I heard. What is happening there?!
I quickly opened the door and freezed...


Of all the people, why him? I was so shocked, I couldn't even move. What will he think now?! That I cheated on him. I will lose another person I love!
Why did this have to happen?
When Sweep saw him, he moved back. 
"Good afternoom, mr Principal." he said smiling. "I'll be going now. Bye Baldi" he winked and leaved the room. Now I was alone with the principal. He wasn't looking at me. I should say something...
"Um...Princi...." my voice trembled, my heart was beating too fast. "What happened here, it's not-"
"Baldi." he said with monotonous voice. "Could you please come to my house today? Now?"

At Principal's house
We were silent all the way. I can't even look at him... I'm so embarassed and ashamed of myself.
We went to his house, I took my shoes off. Okay, I need to explain this! 
"Princi...I need to explain you what happened there" I started, trying to contol my voice. 
He went closer to me, then stopped.
"What happened between you and this man." he said. His voice showed no emotion. 
So I told him. What Sweep told me, what he did to me... I was shaking, scared, that Pricni would leave me...
"But I swear, I didn't want any of this... I swear to you." my voice trembled.
"I trie-" I wanted to start talking but my voice was cut by a kiss. Then I was pressed against the wall. I felt his knee pressed in between my legs. 
"Where did he touch you?" I heard. 
I pointed to my neck. 
"Ah, yes, I can even see that he touched you here." Princi said.
"Did he leave a mark?" I asked. 
He didn't answer, but started kissing my neck. I take this as a "yes". 
He was kissing my neck, then moved to the jaw.
"Prin- a-ah- ci" where did he learn to kiss like that?
It felt so good, my legs started to shake and I felt thaknkful that his leg kept me up. 
Then he moved to my ear. When I felt his breath tickling my ear, I blushed.
"Baldi, please... Tell me that you love me. That you are mine and only mine. Please."
His hand went under my shirt. 
I sighed. 
"I'm yours and only yours. Don't you doubt it. I love you Princi." I said and kissed him.

"Now let's move to bed."

Well, I'm sorry, I wanted to give you "super extra goodbye smut" but of course it didn't work
I'm ending this book. Sorry, I'm just not into Princibaldi anymore and I don't want to post shit or  make you wait 3 months.
But! You can always read my new work, "Even an Executive needs love". Especially if you're fan of Bungou Stray Dogs >:)
Thank you so much for reading this book! 

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