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what am i doing


I don't want to go to work today, because of that shit what happened yesterday. Now what can he think of me? That I'm crazy, weirdo and so on. I would really want to stay in bed, but I can't. I must go there.

After lessons timeskipbecauseimlazy

This day was horrible. Children didn't listen to me at all, I had headache and I just felt horrible. At least I didn't meet with princepal, but I saw him. I tried to avoid him as good I could, and it worked. Now I only need to go to home. 
I packed my things and children's test. I will have to grade  it at home again... 
,,Mr Baldi" I heard familiar voice. 
Fuck. My. Life.   

Wait, "mr Baldi"? Why does he call me like that? We're friends...
,,Please come to my office" principal said.

Again, my heart began to beat faster. God, why do I have to be so unlucky? I can't run away now, I have to go with him.

At Principal's office

We went to his office.
,,Please sit down", he said.
I sitted down, he also sitted down in front of me. I tried to calm down and bevahe normal.
,,Mr Baldi, some kid complained that you didn't grade their work right" principal said.
,,What? No, that's impossible! What are you saying...?" I said.
He didn't say anything, he just showed me some tests. I looked at it and... there really was some mistakes. My mistakes. 
,,I-I'm sorry, I don't know how could I let this happen..." I said quitely and looked down. 
,,Baldi, look at me" principal said. I sighed and looked at him. He wasn't mad. Maybe a little... worried? 

Who would worry about you?

,,Baldi, I see that something's wrong. You don't act like yourself, I see that, I'm not blind or stupid. Why can't you tell me? Aren't we friends?" he said.

Stop it...

,,Please, don't run away. Just tell me what's wrong. I won't judge you or something like that".
Just leave me alone...
,,Try to understand me. I'm really worried..."
,,And why do you even care?!" I screamed at him. ,,Just stop! It's not your business! Why do you care that much?!".

,,Because I love you, you dumbass!" he also screamed. 

Wait, what? What? WHAT?! Did he just...
,,W-what..?" my voice trembled.
,,What, you didn't hear me?" he asked with irony. ,,I said that I care, because I love you".

,,Y-you love me? But...".
I don't know what I should say. I'm embarassed, I can't look at him now. 

,,I don't know what to say..." I whispered.
,,I know, you may think now that I'm weird. But it's true. I do love you, even if you don't love me back" principal said.
,,W-well, I..." I started. "I think that I also like you... But I always thought that we are just friends... And I would never think that you may love me" I said. ,,That anybody could...".
,,You know, you may look scary sometimes, especiallywiththatruler, but if someone gets to know you better, you really are good person" he said. 
,,Oh, it's nice to hear".
,,And you are my dearest friend. That's why I don't want to see you sad or depressed. So, will you tell me what's wrong?".
I sighed again and kept silent for a while. But I decided to tell him.
,,Well, you see... um, I just... Eh, I don't know how to say this" I tried to control my voice. ,,Just, I began to feel weird lately. A little bit sad? Or maybe dead I should say...".
,,Yeah... I don't feel happiness or joy, only sadness and reluctance. I feel like I step out of my body and watch what's going on outside of it. I know it may sound crazy, but..." I felt tears in my eyes. No! Don't cry! He will think you're crybaby, endure it, you will cry at home. ,,...but it's really horrible. I can't stand it, seeing, hearing, experiencing everything as if it all was somewhere far away... It's horrible...".


I see. I understand everything now. 
I see that Baldi's barely holding back his tears, I guess it's hard for him and he sufferes... I want to help him, I really want to help.
I walk to him and just hug him. Sometimes it helps more than words.
,,Baldi... I will help you and try to make you feel better. I swear. You are important to me. I love you..." I say and began to feel his tears on my shirt.
,,Shh... everything will be better now..." I said and kissed his forehead. 

Well, yeah...ehehe 
If someone want to know more about what Baldi feels, just google depresonalization :| It really is horrible

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