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Soojin stepped out of the bathroom in the morning after taking a shower. She rubbed a towel on her damp hair before wrapping it up out of the way. She sang along to the music playing on her speaker and tapped her hand to the beat as she walked over to her charging phone. There was a message on her phone from the one and only 'Sasquatch'.

Chanyeol: I don't work today, so I think we should have a meeting about the events that are going to go down at the festival. You busy?

Soojin: Shouldn't you plan this on the group chat since that's where all the people in on this plan are?

Chanyeol: ... I don't think it's a good idea for some of the people to be in on this plan.

Soojin: ... Well, you're not wrong.

Chanyeol: Should we meet at the park around 1:00? You know the one right outside of town?

Soojin: Yeah, I'll be there.

   Soojin closed out of the messages, feeling excited to meet up with Chanyeol again. It's only because I'm excited about getting Kyungsoo and Jun-Oh together, she told herself. Focus on that.

   After blow drying her hair and getting ready, Soojin left her house to drive to the park. It was a perfect day for it.

   Soojin parked and started walking along the path to the center of the park. She kept her eyes peeled for Chanyeol.

   "Soojin!" Chanyeol's voice called. "Hey!"

   Soojin turned in the direction he called to see him sitting on the swings and holding up two drinks.

   "What are we? Eight?" Soojin laughed and joined Chanyeol on the swing next to him. "I actually love the swings."

   "We're young at heart," Chanyeol stated with a bright smile. He held a green drink out to her. "I brought you a green tea frappuccino. I'm not sure what your favorite drink is, but I remember you ordering it when you and Jun-Oh forgot your wallets at Universe Cafe."

   Soojin looked from Chanyeol to the drink, feeling bubbly inside. "Thanks," she shyly said while taking the drink. Soojin reached to her pocket to grab some money. "Do you want me to—"

   "No," Chanyeol stopped her. "I get a discount anyway." A small chuckle left him. "You don't need to worry about it."

   Soojin could feel her face grow a bit warm from his consideration while a bashful smile played on her lips. Soojin pushed the feeling to the side to go back to the reason they met up. "Anyway, this Jun-Oh and Kyungsoo situation."

   "Ah, yes." Chanyeol nodded. "So, Kyungsoo starts out working at the dart throwing booth. What you could do is challenge Jun-Oh to a game. Then, he works at the ice cream stand. Tell Jun-Oh your getting some girl craving for it so she'll go to the stand with you."

   "Girl craving?" Soojin repeated before chuckling. "Okay."

   "He also works at the dunking booth. That's our last slot. Maybe you could get Jun-Oh to try and see if she can dunk Kyungsoo."

   "Sounds good." Soojin took a long sip of her drink. "I think our plan is pretty solid. The rest, we will have to just let fall into place."

   "I'll let some of the others know a little bit about this just so they aren't completely lost. And so they don't get in the way."

   "Good idea." Soojin stood up from the swing. "I guess there isn't really anything else to go over. There are only two more days until this festival comes, so I guess I'll see you then."

   "Uh, where are you going?" Chanyeol questioned, standing up next to Soojin. "Are you going to leave after hardly being here for a full minute?"

   "There isn't much else to discuss since our plan seems to be set in place."

   Chnayeol paused and gave a small shrug. "I mean, there are always more things to discuss. Plus, I bought you a drink, so you could repay me by having a normal conversation."

   Soojin huffed a laugh and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Alright, but you start."

Chanyeol grinned and started to walk down the path in the park while Soojin followed after him.

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