✌One-Shot Mania ✌

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January . . .

Dear J.,

I've been training in the mountains for a while now. . . Somewhere around where Ur used to teach Lyon and me.

I've been fine, but tired. Everyday is a hardship. Food and water are limited, and it seems that everywhere I turn, there's another monster. I nearly got killed by one the other day. (Oi, don't tell that fire brain that.)

You're probably wondering why I decided to write to you now. . . Seeing as I had left the guild about three months ago. I just couldn't find the right words. And I still can't. But. . . after seeing everybody getting hurt. . . Ultear dying for us. . . Future Lucy dying as well. . . I thought it was time for me to undergo huge training. So I asked the Master and he said it was fine. And, I don't know how long its going to take, but I'm thinking it's going to take a while.

Oh shit. The fire's about to go out. Sorry, but I'll send you another one soon.

- - G


April. . .

Dear J.,

I'm sorry that I didn't send another letter for the last three months. I've been on the run from some treasure-hunters who apparently think I'm some sort of Ice Prince. . . Whatever that means.

Anyways, I don't have much to talk about. . . Hell, I don't even know if these letters are getting to you. Are they? Pft. I know. I'm not going to get an answer.

I've heard you guys have been trying to find me. Thank you, but this training, is something I have to do alone. . . Out here. So please, just stop searching for me. Get back on with your lives. Because I will be coming back. I know it.

- - G

Dear J.,

I don't even know what month it is anymore. Year? Nada. I've got nothing.

And everything hurts right now.

My head, arms, legs, body, mind. . . and heart.

Some people came after me. They used you against me. I know they didn't have any power over you, but. . .They showed me. . .things, bad things. Lots of them. I never want them to happen to you. EVER. So please, watch your back.

Right now, I'm in their hands. But don't worry about me. Worry about yourself. I'll get myself out of this. Please be safe.

- - G


Dear J,.

I've managed to get away. . . for now. They are very persistent. And very difficult to defeat.

And. . . I still do not know if its been a month. . . a week. . . a decade? It's hard. . . There's no easy way to keep track of time.

I'm still very hurt, but those freaks that caught me? Apparently, I'm supposed to be an Ice Prince or something, because of my magic. But then they were torturing me for information. . .

Are you okay? Did they try to attack you? Did they attack Fairy Tail? Gah, I need to know. But I can't let you people know where I am. As much as I love you guys, I can't go back just yet. Not yet. . .


Dear J,.

I was wrong. Oh how wrong was I.

I should've let you guys take me back.

I guess it's too late now.

I'm writing this with my last drops of strength.

August 2014 | Fairy Tail Magazine |  \\Issue 3//Where stories live. Discover now