Finally Fessing Up

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So I had liked, REALLY LIKED, this guy for a couple of years. He's really cute and funny and we used to be in the same class in elementary school. So middle school came around, and he was only in my science class. I still really liked him though.

So toward the end of sixth grade, there were rumors going around that he liked this girl in our grade. I was disappointed, but I didn't give up on him. Well, not until his friends came up to me and asked me to ask out the girl for him, since I was friends with her.

To be honest, I was kind of heartbroken. I knew he liked her, but it still hit me hard when they asked me. All that time of liking him really down the drain. Of course, being the nice person I am, I asked my friend out for him, and she declined. But still, needless to say I don't like him anymore.

- Snow-chan

August 2014 | Fairy Tail Magazine |  \\Issue 3//Where stories live. Discover now