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Hey guys, Thanks for the positive feedback! Anyways, Today I'm doing advice on clubs! yeah I know a little strange, but hopefully you'll like it ^_^. So most of the people I know of on Wattpad aren't that sporty. Okay so I have a little quiz for clubs, so see what your results are, and I'll recommended advice for what you can join.

1. What do you like to do after school?

A. Hang out with my friends

B.Go on Wattpad

C.Do homework

D. Random stuff, it depends

2.What are you're friends like?

A. Awesome, Obviously

B. Umm... well, they're all online

C. They're really nice people, and we all stick together!

D. Well, they're all so different they can't fit into a catagory

3.I can find you looking at what types of books?

A. Adventure

B. All of them!

C. Well I like ones with protagonists that live a hard life.

D.It depends on my mood

4. Do you name lines? (Don't worry there's one below)

A.Yes! I will name every line!

B. Only ones with squishies

C.No, it's dumb

D. Sometimes

5.If you could have a pet,what would it be?

A.Something epic

B.Something easy to take care of, like maybe a fish

C. Anything Squee worthy

D. A dog or cat would be nice...


If you mostly got group A:

I advise you to choose something all your friends are in. You seem to have a fun group of friends you love to hang out with, and aren't afraid to try something new.

If you mostly got B:

Well, it seems you're more independent, and shy. Well because you probably have friends here on Wattpad, why not join a club here. You would probably enjoy cover art design, book clubs, or maybe even an authors club.

Mostly C:

You seem to like responsible people, and responsibilities. So what club would occupy you're time, and test how responsible you are? Well I advise you join student council. The people there are nice, good grade students. If you seem to be up for it, it's an awesome challenge.

Mostly D:

I know most mood changers, have tons, and I mean tons, of music for all of their moods. Personally these people are usually good at music or band, because it really helps express their feelings in a positive way that makes others happy. And well, with all those friends, you naturally want to make people happy.

Well I hope you guys liked it. It's not to late to join clubs at my school, but if it is at yours I'm sorry this came a little too late

Love, Silver

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