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Strangled Vines

"Ok, Mr. Ivy, let's try this again."

"Yes, Detective, let's start this again. Or would you rather pull your prince up into your tower with that golden hair?" He backhandedly remarks.

"What's your deal all of a sudden?"

"Well, you caused my son to do something I've taught him multiple times to not do."

"Pull a gun on a visitor?"

"No, you half-wit. Give into his anger and frustration. He may have mistreated Domino, but they're twins. They have a bond regardless of whether they want one or not. It's expected for him to be upset, but I taught him better than that. All it took were you idiots barging into my house unannounced and dragging me off. He's normally much more composed."

"Do you know if he was mad at anyone or anything in particular?"

"Probably me."

"Why's that?"

"Simple. He wanted to report Domino's disappearance or take care of finding her himself, and I denied him both options in place of doing nothing. In retaliation he dropped out from school, which I reprimanded him for as well."

"Why would you not do anything? That could count as negligence in a court of law you know."

"I am aware, Detective Irwin, but I had to punish Ike. You see, he was getting too involved with Garfield and I repeatedly told him to ignore him and get on with attending to his prior responsibilities. But he didn't listen."

"So...allowing your daughter to kidnap someone and run off sans your knowledge of where she was going to go is ample punishment for your son not obeying your will?" Irwin asks skeptically.

"You don't understand, Detective. I let him get away with a lot. And call me negligent, but I've turned the other cheek when he's broken the law and I know it. I don't care what you do to me as a father, but I'd appreciate it if you imprisoned my son."

"Excuse me, what?" She momentarily drops her stately and professional policewoman act.

"You heard me." He leans back in the chair. "I'm sick of my son believing he can get away with whatever he wants. I don't know what that girl Raven told you, but I'm sure whatever she said is true. There isn't much my son won't do to pursue his ambitious goals."

"All this to teach him a lesson?"

"More than a lesson. My son is a public menace along with his part of my colleagues I granted him. When you question him, I suggest you ask him about Domino herself and how he treated her. He is not without remorse, and in his current emotional state, he'll be an information fountain.

I also suggest you bring up Raven. For some reason he's obsessed with her and he has been for awhile. It would be even better if you could get her in the room with you, but I doubt that is permitted."

"I don't think it is. But thank you for the information, Mr. Ivy. I'd like to absolve you of any punishment for your help, but I'm not the one to decide that." She gets up out of the chair.

"It's quite alright, Detective. Don't bother. I'm open to whatever comes to me."

She nods and leaves the room.

Behind the one-way glass now are the two detectives and Raven, all thoroughly confused.

"He...wants us to put his son in jail?" Sullivan says.

"I guess so."

"He should. Ike's not a good person and everyone knows what he does."

"What else does he do, Raven?"

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