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A Crack

Raven runs through the group of police near the front of the precinct and bursts through the doors. What should I do? He doesn't remember. I don't understand. ...I do understand. No, I don't. Domino did this. She and that...doctor did this. So why am I mad at Gar? It's not his fault. 

Why am I mad?

Confusion over her anger? Anger over her confusion?

I feel like him... I'm such a hypocrite. Why can't I accept that he's changed? There's nothing I can do about it. It's not something I can just reverse.

Suddenly, she slams into Dick and Kori as if to physically stop her hyperactive thoughts. Raven totally forgot that she and Gar are supposed to hang out with them today.

"Woah, Raven, what's the matter?"

"Indeed, you look to be in distress."

Raven stares at the two of them for a few moments, processing something even she doesn't even know. Her fingers unwittingly curl into themselves to form a tight ball. Her fists practically vibrating from everything that she's bottling up. Then she exhales and it's all gone. Her hands relax and tears flow freely.

"Gar...doesn't remember anything from when he was a kid." she forces out.

"Wait, seriously?" Dick asks in disbelief.

Raven nods solemnly, "Nothing from before he came back here. Not us as kids, not the fire, he doesn't even remember his parents. He--" she cuts herself off, getting choked up by something invisible, intangible, "...He doesn't remember when we met. He doesn't remember our promise... All he knows is that we all just showed up in his life. He doesn't remember why or how. Just that we're all here." she wipes the tears from her eyes, "This is stupid."

Dick suddenly embraces Raven in a tight hug, catching her completely off guard.

"It's alright, Rave. You'll be fine, he'll be fine."

"But..." she pushes against his chest out of his embrace, "what if he doesn't remember why he even loved me in the first place?"

"That is ridiculous." Kori steps in. "You being here with him reminds him of that every day." she grabs Dick's hand, "There is no way he can forget with you so near." she holds up their hands in between them. Raven smiles, but only for a moment.

"I'm not going back in there."

"Why? Isn't he done?"

"No, I ran out before they finished. He was going to run after me but one of the detectives stopped him."

"We'll wait out here with you if you want."

Raven nods to this and sighs. They stand in what feels like complete loneliness, at least to Raven, for a good twenty or so minutes. They are talking, but Raven can't shake this undeniable feeling. Waiting in agonizing anticipation — or perhaps fearful anticipation — for the clueless Gar to emerge from those doors so Raven can...

Can what? What am I gonna do?

Nothing, she chides herself, Nothing you dumbass. There's absolutely nothing you can do.

A Child's Reality (BBRae AU)Where stories live. Discover now