HOLY WHISKERS!!! It has been so long since I updated an actual chapter! My activity on l lot of things has plummeted. The podcast that I had to do ended up getting a 60% cause of some parts in the middle. Luckily my teacher let me get rid of the middle to get a higher grade since she really liked the rest of it. Oh and I made a dance routine too. And took my French speaking exam. I have exams on Thursday, Friday, and the Monday and Tuesday after that. Oh and I just finished EQAO!!! (I love math! I gave my sister two questions on her math test since she could bring it home to finish.)
Anyway let's get on to the new chapter, shall we?!

    Supreme being's POV
     (so anyone other than me)

      It was late morning; almost the afternoon, when the lovely cinnamon rolls finally woke. Red, puffy sclera and dark eye bags, rose coloured noses, and tear streamed cheeks were the states of Marinette and Bridgette's faces. It was proof that the night before was real and not one of them having a nightmare.

   While the girls washed their faces; trying to make themselves look somewhat presentable, Felix and Nino, along with the kawami, made breakfast. During this time they decided that it was best for the boys to stay at the Dupan-Cheng home for a while until the girl's parents were okay.

    After breakfast they got dressed and went out for a walk. It felt as if they were suffocating in the bakery. The house wasn't fully cleaned up after last nights event. There was also a slight yet lingering smell of blood and they could no longer handle being around it. They were going to try and get rid of it a little later.

    'Man I hate this depressing atmosphere. Why did this have to happen to my poor babies! 😭 I hate those thugs for doing this to them. 😡 I'm gonna follow them just to make sure they're okay'

    They walked around the park for a bit and then sat at a bench after getting ice cream. 'Good thinking! Every is slightly better when there is ice cream involved!'

    Taking a few deep breaths and eating their ice creams, the Dupan-Chang twins were calming down and actually starting to enjoy the afternoon. The mayor reason for their mood was dealt with anyway. The doctors had called a few minutes before the left for their walk saying that the girls parents were not in any critical states and were currently unconscious. They should wake up soon and the hospital would contact them when they did.

    "Are you feeling any better Mari?" Plagg asked. This was the first time he had seen her so sad and wanted it to be his last.

    "Yes much better, thanks Plagg." Plagg hugged Mari's cheek which she gladly returned.

   'I which I could hug her and make her feel better too, I hate that she is already having to deal with this horrible story plot but last chapter said that there was gonna be a lot more! 😭'

    A few minutes later and Adrien is entering the park. He was in a joyous mood this morning since his father allowed him to have a free schedule. He was going to go to the Dupan-Chang bakery but the sign said it was closed. So instead he went to a café and got a mocha frappe and a croissant. He expected it to not be as good as the Dupan-Chang's but he didn't expect to to be as displeasing as it was. He then decided to go for a walk which is how he got to where he is now.

   While walking near the fountain, he noticed a glumly aura coming from close by. Being a hero for quite a while now, he has been able so sense when sadness or other negative emotions are close by. 'Hum I guess you could say it is kinda like a spidy (?) sense.'

       He searched around until he found the four depressed looking friends eating ice cream.

      Wanting to know what was the matter, he he ran up to stand behind them. "Hey guys! Why are you all down in the dumps?"

      They all turned around to see the cheery boy. His super bright aura out weighed their depressing ones and it thinned ever so slightly. 'There ya go Adrien! Help yo fam!'

      "Oh hey dude. We were just up a little late that's all. Nothing to worry about." Nino replied. In any other circumstance Nino would have spilled out ever detail, but since Marinette and Bridgette were there he prevented himself from saying anything. He didn't want them to burst into tears again.

      "Oh yeah, by the way. Nino and I are going to be staying at Marinette and Bridgette's house do a while so I won't be home except for later today when I pack my clothes."

   "Well ok but why—-" Adrien was cut off by Felix' phone ringing. Felix answered it then a few minutes later said thank you to the person on the other side of the line and hung up.

      "Sorry Adrien but could we talk later? There is somewhere we have to be." Stated Felix. He then looked at Marinette and Bridgette seeing the looks in their eyes and understood what they were thinking. He nodded his head yes to confirm their thoughts and they immediately got up to leave.

      They left hurrying to the hospital while poor Adrien just stood there like a confused puppy.

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