I am back! Hope u missed me!

    3rd POV

    After a while, the girls fell into a dreamless sleep, their faces; expressionless.

    Around 3am, Bridgette became restless, there was an uneasy feeling growing in the pit of her stomach. She woke up knowing something was off. She let her eyes adjust to the darkness of the room, waiting for the blurs to turn into definite shapes. She started looking around the room until she saw it.

    There was an unknown figure peering at her and her sleeping sister. Her eyes widened and she sprung up out of her bed, grabbing the scissors on the nightstand next to her. She dashed towards the figure on the other side of the room but before she could reach them, they fled through the window and out into the peaceful city.

    Bridgette just stood in place, a million thoughts running through her head all at once. Thought such as 'who were they', 'what were they doing here', 'does this have something to do with why our parents died so soddenly, I mean they were fine but died for unknown reasons!'

    She finally had the ability to walk back to her bed. Once she got back, sleep was the last thing on her mind. Keeping the scissors close, and staying on high alert, she stayed up until an hour before everyone would usually wake up at. She took a shower and got dressed. She took a quick look in the mirror and saw the large bags under her eyes. She sighed and grabbed out some makeup, trying to cover it up the best that she could.

    After the many attempts with trial and error, she decided that she looked decent enough and exited the washroom.

Suddenly she had the urge to obtain sustenance and started a journey to the kitchen. Being the daughter of bakers, she started to make a batch of tea biscuits. Once they were put into the oven, she grabbed out cheese, eggs, parsley, and milk, she was craving scrambled cheese omelettes and decided on making some for the rest of the house hold.

She took out a stack of plates, grabbing cutlery to go with it and set the table. She then returned to the kitchen and took the biscuits out of the oven, putting them on a large platter. She brought it out along with the omelettes and a bowl of fruit salad that she whipped up. She brought out some cups and a milk jug so that they could have something to drink along with their meal.

By now, the two adults were making their way into the dinning room. They too looked like they had not gotten any sleep and they looked glad seeing the table already set. Gabriel sat at the head of the table, his wife on the left while Bridgette was sitting on the right.

The two adults thanked Bridgette for making breakfast and Gabriel gave her a light pat on the head.

They waited a few minutes and the three other teenagers made their way into the room. They too looked beat, but you could tell that they had gotten at least a few hours of sleep. Mrs.Agreste notified the children that it was Bridgette who made their meal and they each thanked her.

Now that everyone was seated, they began to eat breakfast enjoying every bite and the different flavours that followed.

Gabriel was the first to leave due to him having a very busy schedule. He thanked Bridgette once more before taking his leave.

The rest finished their meals at around the same time and so they helped Bridgette bring all of the tableware into the kitchen to be washed. Emilie and the kids went their separate ways as they each went to their respective rooms, Emilie looking through documents and scripts so that she could start up acting once more, while the young superheroes were packing their bags getting ready for school.

The four teens bid farewell to the adults as they got into the car. During their ride to school, they made sure to brace themselves knowing that once they reached the building, they would be flooded with questions as to why the Dupain-Cheng sisters were going to school with the Agrestes. They new that it was going to be a long day for all of them.

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