I just got back from a sleepover party! I went to bed at 1:20AM! At 1:00AM, we ate some of the ice-cream cake that was put in the freezer. I helped my friend make a cave out of it and that added some "rocks" to it. It was a lot of fun!
Now, I shall give u all the new chapter that has been desperately needed.

3rd POV

      Adrien had caught up with his mother. It turns out, she was forced to fake her own death. "Back in the day", as his parents described it, the two of them were superheroes but a villain had suspicions about who their identities were. In order to stop the suspicions, she faked her own death. Her superhero identity still remained while her civilian identity became the past.

      The villain was defeated, but went into hiding. To this day they haven't been found. To make sure Adrien was safe and the villain wouldn't come back to harm him.

      This bit of information was left out but, during the villain's time of suspicions, he tried to kill Adrien and Felix. It was the cause of the car crash that Bridgette, Marinette and them were in.

      During all of this, Felix managed to ignore them while he and Marinette grabbed clothing for him to use for the next few days. They entered and left the house without anyone managing to notice them. They are true ninjas!

      They returned to to the park and waited for the other two. A few minutes later, Nino and Bridgette joined them at their meeting spot. They then proceeded to go to the bakery.

      The boys put their bags away while the girls started to make them all some dinner. They chose to make cheese-biscuits and pasta for diner.

   When the boys came downstairs, they set the table and the four of them ate. They later made a better arrangement for sleeping and went to bed early.

~~~~~a week later~~~~~

    They had a great time together, even better was that the girls parents were going to be dispatched from the hospital in a couple days. To their surprise, Hawkmoth hadn't sent any akuma's since Succubus Queen.

  They were curently working on a school project at Felix's house along with Alya and Adrien. They had planes on sleeping over so that they could get it finished. Mrs.Agreste had brought in some cookies for them to snack on.

  Everything was going great until Bridgette got a call on her phone. "Excuse me, are you Miss Bridgette Dupan Cheng?" A voice on the other side of the line asked.

  "Yes it is, how might I help you?" Bridgette answered.

  The woman spoke with a voice full of sympathy "Well, I hate to tell you this but..." Bridgette was about to break but managed to agree with the woman and hang up. She then proceeded to break down crying. Felix Hugged her while Marinette asked what was wrong.

  When Bridgette was able to open her mouth knowing that bile wasn't going to leave her mouth along with the words, she told them her reason for crying. She look to Marinette and spoke, "Our parents are dead."


And that is the end of the chapter! Such a great ending don ya think?! But hope you enjoyed it. Until next time!


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