Chapter 16

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Math wasn't my strong suit and it was pretty obvious from the way I kept getting confused as the teacher taught the lesson.

I didn't want to ask questions, even though I know I should've, but I didn't want to sound stupid if I asked a simple question.

I looked over at Shane, he was listening to the teacher, but he wasn't writing anything down. But from yesterday I can tell that's how learned best, from visuals.

When the teacher finished the lesson, he gave us the rest of the period to work on our homework.

I opened my textbook and sighed when I looked at the first question.

I struggled to figure out what to do, biting on my lip in concentration. I sighed in frustration not being able to figure it out.

I looked at Shane about to ask for help when I noticed he was already looking at me with an amused look con his face.

He leaned in close. My breathing quickened, he was so close that I could see the flecks in his blue eyes.

I breathed in deeply, I couldn't help it. He smells really good. Like spearmint and natural musk.

His mouth formed a smirk. "Did you just sniff me?"

My eyes widened. "I-um" I didn't know what to say. I looked down at my paper.

Shane hooked my chin and pulled my attention back to him. "Hey, I was just teasing" he whispered.

I just nodded, still embarrassed over the fact that I did really sniff him.

"I-um" I stuttered. His proximity was affecting my speech. I took a deep breath and tried again. "Can you help me with this question?"

He nodded and leaned on closer, bracing an arm on the back of my chair.

"Okay, so first you have to look at the function, if it's even degree then..." he explained.

He explained the whole lesson back to me, and it was like a breath of fresh air. I understood everything he said. Well almost everything... I may have gotten distracted a bit.

After that I tried the first question again and I was able to understand it. I grinned at Shane, excited to finally be understanding math.

He just laughed at the goofy look I probably had on my face. The rest of the period went on like that, both of us working on homework together. It felt natural.

Double update :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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