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Lance walked up to me as I clocked in for work, "How are you today?" He smiles at me, his white teeth almost sparkling.

I feel my face warm, "Good, I guess... nothing special has happened." I walked around him and dropped my satchel into my locker, locking it and turning to ask Lance how his day was, but he seemed to have already gotten to work, pushing a cart full of books into the library.


My skin itched, so I scratched it, I was looking at the girl before me, her body not moving.

"Pidge, why don't you talk to me anymore..?" no response, "We were best friends in high school..." still no words leave her lips.

I scratch my arm a bit harder before standing, leaving the guest bedroom and walking around the house, "Does she not want to be my friend anymore..?" my arm starts to sting and I stop, deciding to stop the stinging with a damp cloth.


"How was your day?" Lance asks as he sets his backpack into his locker.

"Same old same old, and you?"

He smiles his pretty smile again, "I visited my mamá, told her about the new job and my new coworker... she says hi, by the way."

I smile to myself as I clock in and walk to my locker, "Make sure to tell her hi for me." I drop off my satchel and leave the staff room, pushing the cart full of books out.

AN: slow, I know, but it will progress r e a l soon, just you be patient... ;-)


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