
45 3 1

The hours pass, my hand holds my phone.

My mind is numb, the gears in my head had finally broke.

I press call and set it on speaker.

"Keith?" Lance's voice chirps through the speakers.

"H-Hey... I want you to come over... you know, for dinner..." my leg fidgets, my eyes trained on Pidge.

There was silence before he speaks, "I'd love to! Send me your address and I'll be over." you could hear the smile in his voice.

I nod, "Will do, see you soon."

I hang up.


My head continues to be numb, I couldn't process anything. The scratching doesn't do anything, my heart didn't even skip a beat when Lance knocked on my door.

I was only a shell.

I open the door, a false smile on my face, "Hey Lance!"

He smiles brightly back, "Hello, Keith!"

I move and he walks in, looking around thoughtfully.

"Your apartment is lovely, very you." he sniffs the air, "Very you..." he repeats.

I grip the handle of my mother's dagger behind my back, "Is that a good thing?" I laugh.

Lance turns to me and nods, "...very..." he glances to my hidden arm and his eyes soften, "Very." he repeats.

I nod towards the kitchen, "My table is in the kitchen, I'll bring out the food..."

He walks off, his movements slow and graceful.

I love him.

Once he was out of sight I walk after him, glancing at the cracked open guest bedroom door.

"Keith? You seem off, anything you want to talk about?" Lance's voice was soft and understanding.

I'll miss his voice...

I pull the knife to the front of me, rounding the corner, his head turned away from me as he was sat facing the other way.

"Perfectly fine."

He sighs, "I'm always here to talk..."

I'll miss him...

AN: please don't kill me...


Irrational // KlanceWhere stories live. Discover now