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I lift the knife quickly, "I know you are."

I aim and then pull it down like a hammer, it lands into Lance's skull with a loud crunch before red begins to fall through his hair and down his shirt.

"Keith... I was hoping you'd prove me wrong..." his voice chirps, sounding very alive, but sad.


I quickly let go of the knife, stepping back.

"Decaying body is a really strong smell, no wonder you never allowed anyone into your apartment." he hadn't turned his head to face his attempted murderer.

I start to shake, "H-How..?"

His hand reaches up, tugging at the knife, "Wow, you really got it in there..." he finally got the knife out, splattering blood all over my dark wooden dinning table.

"What are you..?"

He laughs a bit, "I'm surprised you haven't passed out yet... that would make this a lot easier... could pass it up as a heart attack."

I shake my head, "P-Pass what up as a heart attack?"

"Your death, of course." He says it as if I should have known, as if I was the crazy one in this situation, "Oh, but you are. I'm just doing my job, it's not considered a psychotic act. But what you're doing... oh, that's psycho... killing the ones you love, keeping their bodies until the smell becomes too much." he looks at his black ring, "You wanted to do the same to me... which I'm quite flattered by, since you only kill the ones you love."

I clinch my fists, "Get out of my head."

He laughs softly, wiping the blade on his jeans, brains and blood stain his clean blue jeans, "Oh, but I'm technically apart of your brain... ever notice the weird looks-"

The girl in the library...

"-the private dates?"

"I'm not one for public places..."

"See! You get it." he finally stands, turning to me.

His hair was parted from where the blade had entered his skull, his blood trickled down his forehead and nose.

"You're not real..." I mutter, my arms itched, but my arms didn't move to scratch them.

"Well, I'm very real, to you and whoever calls for me." he walks around me, as if parading his victory, "You see, I'm some-what of a guardian angel, but one that could kill. I'm called by the worst of the worst, the people who do wrong, the ones that should be tested. You see, you called upon me in a dream- a first, might I add- you had said, and I quote, 'I'm trapped, please, I can't do this, I-I killed her!' which, to be honest, was a sad attempt at seeming normal."

My skin felt like it was boiling, my head spun.

"You never wanted to be fixed, you wanted to believe what you did was normal." he paused right behind me, "But alas, you're far from normal or sane."

AN: 0.0


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