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"What do you believe in? Like religion wise?" Lance's voice was small as he asks this, his eyes still trained on the clouds above us.

I turn away from him and think for a few ticks, "I don't know, I guess I believe in nothing, like Heaven sounds fun but I honestly don't feel like there is some higher power calling the shots." I shift a bit so I'm laying on my side, gazing softly at Lance, "What about you?"

Lance glances to me and then back to the clouds, "I believe in an after life, one that sorts you into what you deserve... not specifically a heaven or hell, because it's not just two places, it's more of different rooms that can turn into whatever you deserve..." he frowns, "Or you could take a different route, one that allows you to help the people still alive..."

"Like a guardian angel?" I question.

"Yeah, something like that... and some might be there to help the broken person get onto the right path again, or to figure out what that person deserves." he shifts to mirror my position, "What do you think you deserve, Keith?"

My mind draws a blank, his eyes dig holes into my pupils, my heart skips a beat.

"I-I don't know..." is what ultimately comes out of my mouth, "I don't know..." my eyes water, my hands shake.

Lance smiles sympathetically at me, reaching his hand out and holding my shaking one.


I pace my room, what do I deserve?

I glance at the box, pausing my pace, what do I deserve?

I look at the green silk and my mind goes blank.






AN: what would you deserve?
What do you think Keith deserves?


Irrational // KlanceWhere stories live. Discover now