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I stuff a pistol into the waistband of my jeans as I prepare to go out and pull my t shirt over it so no one will be able to see. I shove a wad of cash into my pocket for drinks and other things.

"What's the plan for tonight?" J asks from behind me.

I turn around with a wicked grin, "Well, first we're having dinner with someone who works for my father. He's been skimming, so I intend to kill him, or get the money back and then kill him, and any of his people who feel inclined to stop me, and then we can hit the clubs."

He raises his eyebrows at me, "After you kill this guy, are people going to try to kill us?"

"More than likely, but we'll be going in there with a fucking army, and my father owns the police, so they won't be a problem."

"What about the feds? Don't they catch onto that shit?"

I shake my head, "I have a meeting with the senior DEA attaché tomorrow, he intends to question me about whatever he feels is relevant."

"And this is all totally casual?"

"Immensely," I walk out of my bedroom out into the hall, "Get him a gun," I tell one of my sicarios, "and not a shit one. He's supposed to have my back and I also don't need him getting shot. Get him a Glock or Sig or something."

"And you do this all the time?"

"My family is a hot commodity in law enforcement. Everyone wants to get the glory of putting us behind bars, which means they'll do whatever it takes for that to happen, including mercilessly interrogate an innocent young lady such as myself," one of my men hands him a gun that he tucks away. "Now don't start shooting until I do. I have a plan."


"Cut the shit," I grumble to the banker before taking a sip of my daiquiri, "I caught you red-handed sugar, but today might just be your lucky day. You see, I'm the only one who knows you're skimming, my father has no idea yet, if he did you'd be dead by now."

"What do you want?" he asks desperately, "I'll do anything, please don't tell Mr. Thorpe."

I punch the man hard in the face, but not hard enough to break anything. J, who sits next to me, doesn't even flinch. Good. The banker's men that I was prepared to fight ended up being flakes, and immediately fell in line with my orders. Nothing is stopping me from getting what I want. "Are you saying that Miss Thorpe is to be taken any less seriously?" he clutches his face and shakes his head. "That's what I thought," I lean back in my chair casually, "Now, this is my offer. You put all of my father's money that you stole back where it came from, and then in exchange for my silence I want half of what you stole given to me personally."

His face turns white, "How soon do you want the money?"

"Five days," I smirk, "Is there a problem with that?"

He swallows hard, "Twelve million is a lot."

"Maybe this'll teach you not to steal," I cross my arms, "If I don't have all eight mill back in my father's accounts plus the four mill that you owe me in five days, I'll tell my father what you did, and he'll act accordingly. If I'm feeling merciful I'll just kill you and your entire fucking family myself. However, if you do get it done, my father will never know this happened."

illicit funds • j codyWhere stories live. Discover now