Chapter 1: Stampy

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Stampy looked around. The same view every day of the forest just made him sick. He wanted to see the world but he was just stuck in a forest. His sister Netty warned him of such dangers that were lurking outside the forest. Netty's a cat, just like Stampy, but her fur colour is magenta/lilac. She was afraid of the things that Stampy wasn't. She was afraid of Spiders, Zombies, and other things too. She jumped whenever she heard a rustle in the trees and bushes.

Stampy sighed. Whilst Netty was asleep, he gathered up a few of his belongings and set off in search of an adventure, somewhere he really belonged. The sun had risen when Stampy'd left. And he was nowhere to be seen. Netty soon woke up and realised Stampy'd gone. She paced back and forth relentlessly. Did she really want to go looking for her brother? She didn't have much of a choice. She either stayed there or went looking for him and obviously she did just that. She made some torches, a sword and set off looking for Stampy.



I know that this first chapter is pretty short but I hope you've enjoyed it anyways :3 and it will get better as the story progresses

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