Chapter 4 friends with a guy called Squid

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"Leave him be" HitTheTarget said.

"Where did you go off to?" Stampy questioned. "Why weren't you here to help us?"

"I was busy" HitTheTarget replied. He didn't want the dog to die, he wanted Stampy to.

Stampy stood up and started to walk away.

"And where do you think your going?" HitTheTarget asked.

Stampy didn't reply, he just started to sprint. He ran off in such a hurry that he didn't notice a squid in front of him.

"Can't you even watch where your going!" It said. He picked up his little red hat and dusted the dirt off.

"Sorry" Stampy said "my name's Stampy and yours is?"

"Squid" he said. Squid stood up and put his red hat on. "You seem to be in a hurry"

"Not really, just a little bored." Stampy replied.

"Bored? That's ok. Come with me" Squid said.

"Where to?" Stampy asked.

"You'll see"

They both walked on, together.


A.N: chapter 4 is out 5 soon ok :3

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