Chapter 8 Stampy!!!! Nuuuuuuuuu!!!!

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"So where you from?" Lee asked.

"Me? Forest" Stampy replied.

"I though cats were more jungle types but ok" Lee said.

They were traversing through a plains biome. They'd be doing this since yesterday and Stampy hadn't a clue of where they were going.

From a tree in the distance, HitTheTarget was watching them. He'd gathered a pack of wolves together. But these wolves weren't ordinary wolves, they were corrupt. Their eyes blazed a meanacing shade of red and blood dripped from their jaws. Their fur was dark and tangled. But the worst of all, their bites were poisonous.

"Go" HitTheTarget ordered the wolves.

They obediently sprinted towards Stampy and his new found friends. Lee was the first to spot them.

"Whatever you do, don't let them bite you!" Lee yelled.

Lee took his diamond sword out of his backpack and griped the hilt.

Squid also held a sword but his was made out of iron instead to diamond. Stampy stood unknowing what to do. He just stood there watching all of the wolves made their way towards them. Lee and Squid killed the ones that jumped at them and other near by but there were thousands of them. One ran up to Stampy and stopped and stared at him. Stampy stared back. He didn't want to hurt any wolf wether they were dangerous or not so he just stood there staring back at the wolf. The wolf seized this chance and bit Stampy then ran away. Stampy felt a sharp pain where the wolf had bitten him. He started feeling dizzy and collapsed to the ground. Everything went black for him. Squid and Lee killed the last of them then turned to Stampy.

"Hurry! We can still help him!" Lee said.

Squid carried Stampy in his arms and followed Lee, in hope of saving Stampy.


A/N: more action and danger in this chapter :3 but will Stampy survive ? Find out in the next chapter! :3

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