Chapter 14 reunited

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"Zoe, I know he's been here" Netty said.

"And how can you be sure? For as far as we know he might not be anywhere close!" Zoe yelled back. Zoe didn't like walking all the time. She was used to perching in high trees or flying about somewhere, not walking.

"I can feel it" Netty replied.

"And I feel wind" Zoe muttered quietly.

Netty moved around. There was some talking behind the trees ahead. Netty recogniced one of the voices. One of them was Stampy. Netty looked around the tree and saw him. Her brother. The cat she'd been searching for all this time. He was walking away with Amy, Rosie and three wolves.

"Hey, arn't those the girls we met a day ago?" Zoe asked.

Netty nodded "they are" she said. "Now come on" she raced out of the bushes to Stampy. She tapped Stampy on the shoulder. Stampy was alarmed to see her. Rosie and Amy also turned around. Zoe also walked over to them. Stampy stepped back. Rosie urged him towards her. Stampy looked at her. He didn't want to go back to the forest.

"Stampy?" Netty said. "Why'd you go?"

"I...I didn't want to stay there anymore" Stampy replied.

"Why?" Netty asked.

"Because I didn't" he replied.

"But your here now" Netty said "and that's all that matters to me"

She held out her arms. Stampy hugged her.

"Oh how nice, I little reunion I see" HitTheTarget said. He jumped out of the tree, got out a bow, drew back an arrow and pointed it at Stampy.



I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. A vote and sharing with ur friends would be much appreciated

(Something I need to add/improve? Tell me in the comments :3)

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