Chapter 15 battling HitTheTarget ~end~

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Rosie leaned over to Amy. "Amy, go get the boys quickly. I'll stay here and see to things here"

She whispered.

Amy nodded and hurriedly jumped into a pool of water (she's a mermaid ok) and swam away.

"What do you want" Stampy shouted at HitTheTarget.

"The death of you" HitTheTarget replied. He let the arrow fly but it missed Stampy by an inch. Rosie got out four iron swords. She gave one to Stampy, Netty, Zoe and kept of for herself.

"A battle I see?" HitTheTarget said. "Bring it on!" He shouted. He drew back multiple arrows and released them. Stampy reflected them with the sword Rosie gave him. Netty cowered behind Stampy. Zoe flew up to a tree and perched up there, watching.

Amy arrived soon after with Lee and Squid. They both got their swords out and stood alongside Stampy.

"Friends? Pathetic!" HitTheTarget shouted. He dropped his bow and got out a diamond sword. He charged towards Stampy. Stampy blocked his attack. Neither of them hit eachother but they still attacked. Swords swinging in all directions and so and so. Zoe looked down at the battle. She saw it wasn't getting very far so she summoned all of the courage she had. She flew down, landed on HitTheTarget's shoulders and put her wings over his eyes so he couldn't see. HitTheTarget frantically tried to get her off him.

"Well, what are you waiting for do it!" Zoe told Stampy.

Stampy swung the sword and hit HitTheTarget, not hard enough to kill him, but enough for an injury. Zoe jumped off him and stood on his sword and bow he wouldn't pick them up.

HitTheTarget looked at them with pure hatred. "I will be back!" He declared. He then ran off, clutching the cut.

"You know, he might acctually return" Lee said.

"Then we'll be ready" Stampy said.

Stampy walked with his sister and Zoe with the others. They were his true friends. He'd alway be by their side in their time of need and he knew they'd stay by him when he needed it and if HitTheTarget did return, then he and his friends would be ready to finish him off.

~The End~


A/N: ok guys I hope you enjoyed the end of this story :3

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