Chapter 3 Hi Gregory and bye Gregory

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Stampy walked on. He knew Netty would be searching for him but he just wanted to be free and that what he had at last, freedom. He had wanted this for so long but it just didn't feel right. Nothing did. Everything was just to peaceful. And at that very moment, Stampy saw someone dressing in Red and yellow, that had a green face and moustache walk towards him. Stampy backed away slowly. The sun had set and the moon had risen. It was a full moon so it was quite easy to see in the dark.

"Don't be afraid" it said.

"Who are you?" Stampy asked.

"I am HitTheTarget, and you?" He said.

"I'm Stampy" Stampy said. Stampy thought he was friendly enough.

A wolf walked up to them. It growled at HitTheTarget but brushed against Stampy's legs. Stampy got out a bone that he found and gave it to the wolf. They immediately became friends.

"I'll call you Gregory" Stampy said.

Gregory jumped around happily. Stampy tied a red neck scarf around his neck. Gregory loved this and jumped around even more. HitTheTarget just stared at the both of them. He got a mob calling whistle out and blew on it. (Mob whistles are like dog whistles, they're very high pitched and only dogs(in this case mobs) can hear them).

Gregory stopped jumping and growled at the trees and bushes. Mobs jumped out and gathered around them. Stampy looked around for HitTheTarget but he was nowhere to be seen. Skeletons drew back arrows in their bows and sent them whizzing towards Stampy and Gregory.

"Dodge the arrows, Gregory!" Stampy shouted but it was to late, one of the arrows hit Gregory and killed him. Gregory collapsed to the ground. All of the skeletons burned in the light of day but Stampy stayed by Gregory. Tears fell down his cheeks. He was sadder than he ever had been.


Another chapter slightly bigger than the others but I still hope you've enjoyed. And if you really liked it then tell your friends because they might like it too :3

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