Don't you dare

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"What company would pay a premium for such things? And in such weird amounts..." joker mumbled sitting at his desk.

I walked in as Mute about a hour ago, and all he does is talking to himself and writing down notes. Why he had summoned me is a mistury. He is planing. He told me when we got back from the party yesterday that he needed time to figure out how he should make the next step in his plan, so I had to go home, but since my only home at the moment is here when I am Mute I went to Zac for help. I know, I know, it was a risk, but he helped me. And I it was indeed apprised.

Joker mumbles away, planing away, and uses a hell of a long time doing so to! 'Do I really look like a guy with a plan?' He had asked me when I was a newbie in the Joker team. Back then I didn't say anything. Because I was- or am, supposed to be mute. But what I had wanted to say was something along the lines of 'Do clowns make planes?'. Of curse, that would had probably gotten me killed or something, but I didn't know that back then! Also didn't know that he had so many planes who needed planing...

"Get over here, Mute.." Joker says tiredly putting his head in his hands.

I quickly walk up to him.

"What is Jamie's favourite flower?" Joker says looking up at me from his big office chair.

I looked shocked down at him. Favourite flower? Why would he like to know my favourite flower?

Joker lets out a big sight, "Right.. You can't talk.. Fucking splendid..."

Oh.. I almost forgot I couldn't talk.. hah! That would have been funny if i had said anything! hahah- wait no, that would have been afoul...

I shake my head mentally shaking my body as well before looking back at Joker. Joker is standing over his desk messing around in one of the drawers with his sexy arse swagging in the air. He is doing what again? Oh, right, messing around in his drawers of his desk.. but why?

Joker bring out a paper and a pen then hands it over to me. "Draw" He demands.

I just look weirdly at him. Then I remember the mask I am wearing and takes the paper and pen. Then I start doodling a house, because I am just that original.. Notice the sarcasm.

"No you idiot!" Joker says taking the pen from my hand and pokes me with it, "A flower! Draw your sisters favourite flower!"

'OOOooohh..! pff, i knew that! I was just testing you!' I say internally giving a soft giggle and takes the pen back. I out the pen down to the paper, then... nothing... Favourite flower... I actually don't got a favourite flower, I never had the time to think about what my favourite flower may have been! I never needed to know...

"Well? aren't you supposed to draw? get going!" Joker growls impatiently.

I Shake my head smiling, and then putting the pen to the paper. Okey let's draw!


Any time now.. Just draw a flower.. Um..

#fav flower is ..

I don't know.. Shit, I don't know my own favourite flower!? God damn..

I put the pen down and turn to Joker, I shrug fearing, for my life. I can't believe I don't have a favourite flower, every girl has a favourite flower right? Why don't I? I guess I never had any need to know..

Joker let out I high pitch, un human sigh (if that is possible) and grabs the pen out of my hands and points at the door with it. "Get Mind" He is good at flowers and girls, Joker dosent say the last part, but everyone know that Mind is indeed good with flowers, and as to the little I have seen; He is good with girls too.

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