Coincident 2#

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The pair exited the school and started to slow down the pace, " huff, t-thank y-you... huff," the green haired boy said tiredly on his knees, Ootori looked over to the boy, out of breath too.

"It's fine. Huff...What's your name? I won't bother remembering other peoples names unless they're my friends- Cuz I know damn well that 'Deku' isn't your name," she said shooting him a slight grin, the boy blushed slightly at Ootori. "U-uh, I-izuku...., Izuku Midoriya..!" he stuttered trying to hide the blood rush on his face," And your name's..., Homura Ootori? Right..?" Midoriya questioned, "It is, yeah," replied Ootori standing up on her feet.

"I'll be going, Midoriya." she said as she patted down her school uniform to get rid of the remaining dirt.

"W-wait! Do you actually have a-"

But she was gone.

At Ootori's place

Ootori exited the lift and walked towards her apartment, cool air circulates throughout the building sending slight chills down her spine. She took out her apartment keys from her school bag's front pocket and proceeded to open the black metal gate in front of her, the keys jingles echoed throughout the building with a loud Click following, signaling that the black metal gate was unlocked.

She took of her shoes and neatly place it on the rack beside her door before facing another locked door.Unlocking it, she pasts her couch and head towards the table at the very end of the room, she place down her bag on the white chair and looked out the window right in front of the small workspace. "....Commissions," she muttered as she looked down at the sketches scattered around the table, "Eh... I'll do that later," she said as she picked up her phone from the charging station, she propped down on her couch and goes through the internet for a while.

30 minutes later~

"Okay, I'm ready," she exclaims aloud as she walks back towards the table, she sat down on her white chair and got to work. She lined, colored and packaged all of the sketches in neat order and placed it on the other end of the table. She ran her finger down the spine of all of the packages, counting.

"...54,892.50 ¥en, that will last me for now," she muttered stretching her arms, she turned over to the black clock that hung against the wall. "6:30 p.m....
I'll change into the prototype and clean the beach as an exercise, I haven't moved in the past three and a half hours," she grunts as she head towards her bedroom for a change.

She pulled out a hand stitched sleeveless jacket and place that on with a simple white tee-shirt and cobalt blue shorts, the keys jingled merrily as Ootori exits the apartment once again.

Meanwhile elsewhere...

"You can start your training by cleaning up this area of the beach!" All Might said in a loud cheerful tone. A familiar green haired boy looked at the pro hero dumbfounded,"Y-you want me to clean up all of that?!?" He yelled pointing at the large amount of trash piled up on the beach, obviously shocked at All Might's request.

"Yes my boy, the power you're gonna harness needs a lot of training! Other than that, being heroes doesn't just mean saving people and defeating bad villains! We need to help out this society, the trash that people dump into the sea will most likely wash up on the shore of this beach, so citizens will start to use this as an advantage to commit illegal acts on this very beach," he said in a low tone, " I actually have someone who does this on their free time but is not usually-" he states halfway before realizing a black haired girl approaching the beach, "Ah! there she is," He said surprisingly and sort of in relief.

The green haired boy turned around, his eyes widen in surprise.


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