Entrance Exams #5

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After taking a refreshing bath, the two headed to school together meeting up not long after leaving their homes.

"Hey Izuku! Watch out!" Ootori yelped as she sees him blindly walking into a pole, he immediately snapped out of his trance and quickly moved away, but tripped on a floor gap. He fell forwards, but then seem to hover over the floor. "Eh?!" Izuku questioned, flapping his arms as if they were wings, trying to get back on his feet.

"Ah~ Sorry! I saw you falling so I thought I should help, but I'm sorry if I didn't ask for permission. I hope you wouldn't mind," a bubbly voice chirped from beside Ootori, she turned around to face the voice. Big brown eyes stared straight back at her crimson red ones, her short brown hair cut into a bob right above her shoulders, leaving her bangs long. She was wearing a tracksuit with black pants, and normal shoes, nothing really gave away what her quirk could be.

Ootori reached for Izuku's arm and yanked him back in his feet, he still floated of the ground though. "Umm.. he's still floating," Ootori comment trying to push Izuku downwards on the ground. "Oh right!" She said as she place her finger tips together, she closed her eyes, focused. In a mere second, Ootori immediately felt Izuku's weight and immediately tightened her grip on Izuku, placing him on the ground.

"A-ah! Thanks! I really should be more careful next time," he stammered, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. " No problem! I'll head in now. See you both later!" She replied waving at us as she enters the hall. Izuku's face went bright pink, Ootori realized it and immediately raised her eye brows, " Looks like somebody's in loooovvvvveee~" she cooes, giving him a curious stare." W-what do you m-mean?!? I've just met her!" He yelps in embarrassment, trying to cover up his face with his arms. "Unlikely story~" Ootori said heading towards the hall, "H-hey! It's t-true!" Izuku yelled at Ootori chasing after her.
Time skip~

Ootori was pissed at glasses boy as he publicly mocked Izuku during the paper exams and was probably already planning a way to kill him but Izuku quickly stopped her, and calmed her down as they enter the arena.

"Izuku! How could you let that happen?!? He was rude! He needs a piece of my mind!" Ootori complains to Izuku, staring fiercely at the glasses boy on the way to the arena,"N-no please don't! whatever he said must be right anyways.." Izuku said, mumbling the last part as he hugged himself while staring at his feet, Ootori looked at him and place her index finger on his chin forcing Izuku to look at her. "What do you mean? We went through all of that training, we'll do just fine! Pinkie promise!" She said as she extended her pinkie towards Izuku, his face lit up slightly and extended his. " Alright, pinkie promise." He said hopefully.

Just then the doors of the arena started to open so did a countdown,
Time to put you're game face on, Ootori.

Everyone charged in, Ootori eventually got split from Izuku. She ran and spreaded her flame wings, as she hopped onto a 4 MARK robot and griped onto its head sending her flames into it, she solidifies her flames and turned it back into its flame form, causing it's head to explode.

She leaps of and gripes onto a metal window sill, collection momentum, she leaps again, successfully reaches the rooftop and continues her hunt from there. Firing fire balls at the robots she sees at the road below, she passed by Bakugo which unsurprisingly is doing quite well, using the same trick she did with the 4 MARK robot earlier, she then spots a robot coming from behind Bakugo who is already occupied by 3 robots, she happily fires a shot which went straight through the core of the robot and exploding a few feet away from Bakugo. Ootori smiles to herself and continues, she doesn't bother counting her marks anyways.

She looks back at the large robot earlier , it was quite a distance away shouldn't be a problem.

Just then a small figure seem to approach the large robot, "What the-" Ootori muttered, but before she could finish her sentence the small figure has completely obliterated the large robot. "Holy shiz.." she grasp as the large robot from the distance fell between the buildings and out of sight.

As if on cue, the loud blaring alarm signals the end of the exams.

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