The Experiment

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 "Welcome to Ora-Nix Laboratories...." And so the day begins, thought Yukio. He was laying on his back staring up at the ceiling with his volume turned up as high as it would go. The announcement blared right into his ears so loud it should have made him deaf. Any normal person would've been suffering from hearing damage. But then again who's to say I'm not suffering at all? He went about his morning routine. First, he combed his hair (well all that he was allowed to keep), then he took a shower, put on some clothes and went back into his room and listened to music. Just like a normal teenager, he smirked at the thought. The next announcement blared into his ears " ALL ANDROIDS ASSUME YOUR DAILY ROUTINES." He got up and walked to the dresser next to his bed and pulled out an old muffin wrapped in a piece of paper towel from underneath it. He took a bite and spat it out after chewing it for about a minute. He couldn't eat it. He had no sense of taste nor did he find the same satisfaction in eating as he did all those years ago. He took a needle that he stole from a broken down machine in the android teddy department when he was there last and pricked his left arm lightly and no blood came out. Frustrated, he slammed the needle all the way into his arm and felt slightly satisfied as he flinched at the pain. I guess I'm still human after all, he thought. " SUBJECT 72J-D5Y REPORT TO THE MAINTENANCE WING FOR REPARATIONS IMMEDIATELY." Yet he still counted as a lifeless piece of metal, nothing more than a lab rat. I AM still a human...right? he thought. He looked back at the needle jammed all the way into his arm, which still wasn't bleeding and his mouth twitched with disgust as the pain faded away almost as soon as it had come. "I REPEAT SUBJECT 72J-D5Y REPORT T-...." he muted it and walked towards the door. Yeah, I heard you the first time.
The halls were more than a hundred feet tall and two hundred feet long. On each side was a secured display of past experiments that weren't successful. There were pillars made of metal with touch screen command boards attached to them and each had an ID scanner that opened up doors to several different parts of the facility. He walked up to the third one on the right and pulled out his ID to scan it. With a soft ding, it opened revealing a narrow corridor with small green LED's lighting the way on the floor. He walked through the doorway and turned right after passing intersections. He kept going until he found the glowing sign that read MAINTENANCE and used his ID again. The door slid open to a dim space filled with machinery. Several different models of androids were suspended by wires and cables already given up on before they could be fixed. Usually, he would walk by them with no emotion or concern, but for some reason today was... different. He looked at them and felt pity and fear, only he couldn't understand what he was afraid of. His destination was on the opposite side of the space and that was all he needed to focus on. He walked ahead without looking at them.When he entered the maintenance office area he sat down on a chair that was near the door to the observation rooms and waited. 

"Please state your name or serial number", a voice said through the door's lock speaker.
"HEEEEELLLLLLLLOOOOOO! I'M HERE NOW!", he yelled while getting as close as possible to the speaker. He heard some scuffling on the other end and the message repeated.
"Please state your na-" " Just open the god***n door!", he said impatiently.
The door opened and a man in a lab coat was standing there with his arms crossed and an annoyed look on his face. Yukio grinned at his expression and waved at him.
"Really?", the man asked.
"Yup, really really", Yukio said innocently.
"You annoy me sometimes", said the man
Yukio blew him a kiss and walked past him. He heard the man sigh with disappointment and murmur something about being immature.
He turned a corner and found himself being shoved through a doorway. He looked back and saw that he had been pushed by another android.
"Dr. Lusse wishes to see you immediately", it said.
"Ya coulda just-"
"He asked for me to deliver you to him to avoid tardiness", it interrupted.
Yukio looked at it in annoyance then thought about Dr. Lusse and grew more annoyed. Dr. Lusse was the scientist that was in charge of him and he called him for inspection every six hours. He made sure he was operational and was to report any sign of dysfunction. Yukio almost punched the android when it shoved him roughly into a room with a desk by the door and a table in the middle of the room. Dr. Lusse was sitting in a chair on the opposite side of the table reading something on a clipboard. He looked up at Yukio and motioned for him to stand in front of him. Yukio raised his eyebrows and left his eyes at half-mast giving the scientist an are-you-serious look. The scientist looked him up and down, circling him to inspect each angle of his body. He frowned when he saw the needle in his arm deep enough that it couldn't be pulled out by tweezers. He looked up at Yukio, who opened his mouth and yawned, eyes still at half mast, making it clear that he didn't care.
"Yukio, did you do this?", asked Dr. Lusse in a serious tone.
"Don't you dare call me that. You didn't earn the right to say my name, none of you did", Yukio said cruelly.
"I'm just concerned that's all", he sighed and put down his clipboard, "You're on your third century and in proper condition physically, but if you can't stop trying to hurt yourself then you'll be labeled as mentally unstable and they'll shut you down"
"You don't think I know that? Just means you won't have a risk of losing your job", Yukio replied. Dr. Lusse rubbed his temples clearly agitated.
"I'm not saying that wouldn't be great, but I can't just let them shut you down just because you're depressed", he said.
They stood there for a moment in silence. Yukio started to walk out and Dr. Lusse stood up and grabbed his arm.
"Just... don't hurt yourself again. They really might shut you down if someone finds out" he said, concerned.
"Ha! I'd love to see them try." 

Yukio went back through the maintenance wing and the corridor and was almost to his room when a message appeared in front of him on his holo-screen.  He opened it and with a flick of his finger, he deleted it. He didn't read it.

Electric Like FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora