The Awakening pt4

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"Where is the subject, " the man asked, clearly confused.

"This is the subject, " the scientist to the left of Yukio said.

"What?!" he said in disbelief, " This seven-year-old? This kid!?"

"Hey now there's no need to be rude, " Yukio chimed in, a hand over his heart in mock offense.

"Okay little boy, how old are you then?"

"Unfortunately, just over three hundred years old."

"Now young man haven't you heard it's incredibly rude to lie to an adult?"

This guy, I swear.

"And haven't you heard it's rude to insult your elders," Yukio said, crossing his arms, "Look, I may not look it, I may not even act it but I am not just some little-"

Yukio stopped mid-sentence and started sniffing the air. The scientists looked at him in confusion. Another familiar looking man walked in the room holding a clipboard and a plate with a cupcake and something bright red...


Yukio screamed at the top of his lungs. He disappeared then reappeared in front of man that just walked in and reached for the plate. The man smiled and held it up out of his reach making him jump for it.

"Haha, maybe if you grew a little you'd be tall enough to get it, " the man with the plate teased.

"Shut up, Stupid. You know that's impossible for me to grow 'cause of the stupid stuff they injected in me, " Yukio replied, kicking him in the shin.

"Oh well, sounds like a personal problem, "he said still holding it out of his reach.

Yukio stopped reaching for the candy and clasped his hands together, trying put his best suffering-child look.

"I go through so many experiments every day, " he said letting a fake sniffle out, " I'm sure candy will make me feel better."

"Hmm, I'll think about it, "he said in fake consideration, "You're gonna have to try harder than that."

"You do know that I can literally kill you with one look right?"

At this, the man stopped holding it above his head but still kept it out of his reach.

"Alright, alright, calm down or they won't let you out at all, " he said, putting a hand on his shoulder, " I was gonna give it to you when we were on our way."

Yukio crossed his arms and pouted. He walked away and sat down in the chair by the door. Another man walked in. This one wore a business suit and held a suitcase. He looked at the man with the plate and raised an eyebrow.

"Reisse, are you not heading out with the subject now?"

"Oh, I thought I had to wait until I was told to."

"You aren't a trainee anymore. You have full authority over any experiment you are given, " he said with an irritated sigh, "You can't wait for people to do things for you, Reisse."

"Haha, yeah I know I just forgot that's all," Reisse said rubbing his neck in embarrassment.

The man in the suit stared at him and shook his head in disappointment. Yukio looked up at Reisse and saw that he'd lowered the plate and wasn't paying attention to it. He got up and walked slowly towards him and reached for the candy. Just when he was about to grab it Reisse pulled up out of his reach and looked down at him.

"Come on Yuki, stop begging."

He walked to the door and opened it. He raised his hand motioning for Yukio to follow. The bodyguard moved to follow them out but Reisse stopped him. They made their way toward another building that Yukio had never seen before. In this building, the walls were lined with the history of Ora-Nix Laboratories. He examined some of the ones he passed and realized there were several holes and huge gaps in the timeline. A few of the years he recognized as years that several experiments were going on. So they only mention successful ones. He turned away and made a sound of disgust. Reisse looked down at him noticing his discomfort.

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