The Awakening pt2

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"Hey, that's rude. I gave that to you to wear, not throw on the ground."

She picked up the scarf that he'd abandoned on the ground behind him. She walked up to him and wrapped it around his neck with lightning speed. Then she dug in her bag and pulled out pair of purple earmuffs. He thought she was going to wear them, but instead she put them on his head and smiled.

"There! Now let's go!"

They started walking. They were walking for about a minute before they finally came to a string of connected stores. She pulled him forward, passing the store in front of them. What the-? He almost cried as they passed the next one too. Then realized that she was pulling them to one of the stores furthest from gate, near the end of the string. Noooo! W-why? Shouldn't we go to the nearest one? They passed yet another store. When they came to the next one he was just about to pull away and run in when she started tugging them toward it. Oh thank god! They finally made it inside and he nearly collapsed on the floor. It was a small cafè with booths and little round tables. The lights were dimmed slightly, casting a homely glow over the place. The counter and floor were both wood. This surprised him because most of the cafes and restaurants he went to had granite counters and tile floors. The workers there seemed pretty young and welcoming. Everything about this place is welcoming.

"Um, are you just gonna stand there are you gonna sit down? I mean, you don't have to, but ya know, just a suggestion."

Rina was in front of him looking a little confused. He realized he'd been standing for over a minute just staring. He sat at a little table near the restrooms. Rina sat down across from him.

"So, um, why exactly did you take me here a place that's like a million miles away instead of the nearest store? To maybe, I don't know, AVOID freezing to death", Zach asked, still shivering from the cold.

"Oh don't be so dramatic. We only passed like three stores. Plus, I know people here and I can get a discount. Also I get to see my three favorite people."

"Hmm, ok then",he said, still not very satisfied.

He shivered again.

"Oh magahd. Can't you feel how warm it is in here? Take off that stuff I gave you, it isn't THAT cold in here. Oh, and also I already ordered some stuff so just sit tight", she said, exasperated.

"Sooo, why are you talking to me all of a sudden?"

"What, is it a crime? Am I invading your privacy?"

"Hey, I wasn't saying all that. I was just asking you because you've never talked to me before."

She jabbed her hand out and slapped him. She looked annoyed and was staring at him in disbelief.

"What was that for! It's not like we were friends before!"

She raised her hand to slap him again, but was stopped by a hand that grabbed her.

"Whoa, hey now, you don't want to go to jail for assault, do you", asked the owner of the hand. Zach looked at him. He was a man who stood about five foot nine with hair that was dyed black and blonde. His eyes were brown and his skin had a peach glow to it. Rina jumped up and hugged the guy.

"Yaaaay! Hi bro bubby! I came here just to see you!"

"Awwe, really? Me? I thought you came to see your brother", the man said with a smirk.

Rina looked up at his face and tried to pulled away as fast as she could, but he held on to her.

"What, why are you pulling away? I thought you came to see me."

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