The Experiment pt3

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A man in a red tux walked in and greeted him."Hello, Yoshio. It's been a while", he said with a smirk."Um, yeah, bro that's not my name", Yukio said with a bored expression.
"I'm not my brother. Unlike him, I have no respect for androids, no matter how human-like. You're all the same to me. Even that thing that claimed to be my son." He paused to see Yukio's reaction and continued when he saw his expression didn't change. "Speaking of him, I'm curious as to where our little failure is. I'm sure he wouldn't want to leave without saying goodbye to his 'friend'."
"He hasn't been here. I haven't seen him since I saw him being dragged off to the docks. Like you said, he's not human anymore, he doesn't care about 'friends'."
"Anymore? He was never human, he was only ever a failure from the day he was created."
There was a sniffle from under the bed followed by a whimper. Godd***n it suck it up man or you'll be more than just a failure. Yukio looked down and turned his head slightly to look at the bed. Kira's foot was sticking out from under it. He tried to signal him to move it but, it stayed out in the open.
"-the effects of the medication, wouldn't you agree?" The man asked suddenly. Oh sh*t was this guy still talking? Yukio just shrugged his shoulders.
"Of course you wouldn't know." He signaled his men forward to grab Yukio. Confused, Yukio struggled to get free until one of the men punched him in the stomach.
"Don't worry we'll find your little friend and when we do you're going to watch him suffer."
"No! You can't do that!"
"And why not?"
There was a loud bump and Yukio turned around to see Kira next to the blood-soaked body of a security guard. He had the expression of a mad man. The man stared then smirked and gestured for him to come forward. Kira took a step forward. The man made the gesture again thinking he had won, then Kira lunged forward and punched him in the face. The guards looked startled and began pulling out their weapons. Kira zoomed passed them before any of them could pull the trigger. Instead, they focused their aim on Yukio. The man got up and snarled at him. His face where he got punched was bruised blue and purple.
"Liar", he said with a smile.
"Well, I'm not technically a liar. It's not like you asked if it was recently that I saw him. Plus, he was already-"
"I don't want to hear any more of your lies. You've gotten away with too much in the past. You're a spoiled brat who doesn't deserve anything you've been given. You're an android, nothing more."
He grabbed a taser from the nearest guard and before Yukio could move he rammed it into his stomach. Yukio could feel a jolt of fire inside of him frying several wires. He fell to his knees and groaned in pain. He tried to stand up, but the man walked forward and kicked him in the side. He looked up at the ceiling. The world was fading away into darkness.

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