The Awakening pt5

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Yukio looked at him in horror and squinted at the wall the man seemed to be admiring. Sure enough, the movement behind the glass wall confirmed his thoughts. There were about ten people behind it watching, writing, scheming. He paled slightly as he looked closer and saw the same woman who had injected the tracker into his brain. She smirked at him through the glass and tapped on the clipboard she was holding.

"You seem to have met my lovely fiance, " he said watching him, " She's the head of Rune Tech and has several beneficial connections. Quite the catch, wouldn't you agree?"

Yukio looked from the woman back to the man.

"I didn't even know that people your age still dated, " he said, "Especially with a face like that."

The man raised a questioning brow then smirked. He walked toward Yukio and bent down in front of him.

"Oh yes, but I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you, " he said drawing his face in closer, "Even a handsome devil like myself has the yearns for a successor."

He glanced at the glass at the woman without moving his head then looked back at Yukio.

"Though it means very little for you, I'll inform you that we are currently expecting. I'm quite happy to know that I'll finally have a son."

"You have a son, " Yukio said angrily, "You just thought he-"

"How many times do I have to tell you, Android. That...THING isn't my son. Just a byproduct of that woman's weak genes."


A sharp pain ran through Yukio causing his whole body to twitch. He looked over to the wall to see the woman's hand pressed firmly on a button. He cursed her in his head and formed a rude gesture with his jolting hand. The company's head smirked, curious at the sight and raised his hand slightly telling the woman to release the button. Yukio's forehead beaded with sweat. He could feel his palms grow moist as a result of overloading his pain sensors. He glared up the two imagining the horrible things he could if only he weren't restrained. The man's curiosity faded away leaving him with a bored expression.

"Well this was quite fun but I'm afraid I have much more important things to do, " he said turning to take his leave.

"Yo boss man, what's your name, " Yukio said with an obnoxious smirk that resembled a sneer, " I don't want to call you boss 'cause you won't be once I'm out."

The man turned around, unamused.

"For a filthy android like you? You are to call me Master Nix."

"Hmm, how 'bout dick for short. Seems more like you since you lack one."

A sound that resembled someone saying "Oooo" could be heard from behind the observation wall. Both men glared in that direction immediately silencing the who'd spoken out.

"As for you, android," Nix said, "I'm quite sure that your experiment will go far smoother without your tongue. I suggest you watch it. "

With that, he walked out of the room. Yukio stared after him, watching to see the door, his only escape, slowly closing behind him.

Month 1... Yukio stared at the ceiling, bored out of his mind waiting for the next test to start. He'd stolen a small pocket watch from one of the newer scientists who were unfamiliar with his sleight of hand. He inspected his reflection in the shiny silver coating on the outside of the watch. His eyes were sunken and had dark circles under them his skin was an unhealthy pale color. Frowning at the sight he sighed in irritation. He turned the watch over and read the inscription on the back.

"Our Love Is Older Than Time, So Let's Rejoice In The Life Of Thine"

No matter how many times he read it he still couldn't decipher what it meant. "Love...what is that." He felt stupid as if he should know what it was but he couldn't think of anything. "Rejoice in life. What's that even supposed to mean. He thought about his life and tried to recall joy. He couldn't remember anything but suffering and torture then on top of it all pretending to be ok with it. A flash of emotion overcame him as he went over the past 17 years. He remembered being allowed outside of the facility for an interaction and response analysis, his first time out since he was taken...

Ten years ago...

"Android 72J-D5Y, report to the Research Office on level one."

The notification had caught him off guard causing him to fall backward off his bed. He'd been watching a cooking channel that he'd recently hacked into. He was drooling over all the different dishes they were making, torturing himself in the process. He sighed and got up, brushing off the dust from the floor. It was still dark leaving his integrated holo-screen as the only light in his room. He walked over to the door waiting for it to open. About five minutes had passed before it had. The door opened to two scientists in their matching white garb and three security guards. The week before, Yukio had snuck out into the toy department and rerouted all of the circuits to the old battle droid model nearly destroying the whole department building. Even with that being true Yukio felt as if they were being a bit paranoid. He'd only done it out of irritation and boredom. He walked to the office between the two scientists while the guards walked behind him. He could feel their guns trained on his back while occasionally feeling one jab him roughly in his shoulder blades, ready to shoot if they suspected a resist. Yukio sighed and rolled his eyes in annoyance. He had no intention of resisting. The trip took about fifteen minutes. When they finally reached their destination they shoved him inside with the scientists following suit. He lost his balance and fell. He let out an exasperated sigh and stood up glaring in irritation. There were two other people in the room. One looked like a professional bodyguard and the other was a newer scientist that had come only two years ago. The man looked at Yukio then at the two scientists behind him, raising a questioning eyebrow.

Electric Like FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora