The Awakening

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Zach jolted up from his sleep, breathing heavily. His side throbbed as if he'd been kicked. Hmm, maybe the side effects of the medicine are finally kicking in, he thought. He looked over at his clock and gasped. It was 7:48 am and the bus would leave in seven minutes. He started to panic. He didn't even have any clothes on yet. He jumped out of bed, grabbed the pants on the chair beside him, and ran to the bathroom. There was a sock in front of the door and he slipped on it. His face almost hit the wall, but he put his hand out just in time to stop himself. He went into the bathroom and started brushing his teeth. His phone alarm went off and he checked the time. It was already 7:50, leaving him only five minutes to get dressed and eat breakfast. He ran out of the bathroom, yanked his pants and shoes on, then set out to find a shirt. He'd done laundry the night before, but none of the clothes were folded. He dug through the basket, throwing clothes on the floor. Finding a black polo he went to the kitchen. Luckily there was a bagel and a comb on the counter. He grabbed them and was about to run to the door when he saw a dog food bag next to a metal bowl. Dang it, I still have to feed Yuki. He grabbed the scoop, plunged it into the bag, and practically threw its contents into the the bowl. He started combing his hair and ran towards the bus stop. He put the bagel in his mouth and checked the time on his phone. 7:53 am. He saw the bus and ran even faster. He skidded to a stop just as the bus arrived. The bus driver opened the door and stared at his half combed hair.

"Oy Zach, what happened? You look like you just woke up" He said with little smile.

"Ha, I did. Thanks for noticing",Zach panted.

He walked onto the bus and saw that it was so packed that he had to stand at the front. Better for me I guess. I do need to get off as soon as possible to make the next one, he thought. He looked up and caught the bus driver giving him a curious look.

"What? Did I forget something?", he asked.

"Ah, no, it's just... why did you get on this bus instead of the next one? You already know that I circle around every hour."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, don't you have school an hour later on Tuesdays?"

"Wait a minute it's-"

He stopped and realized what day it was. His mouth dropped open in shock. I nearly died trying to make it here on time, almost forgot to feed my dog, and threw my CLEAN laundry on the floor... for this? He sighed and took a bite out of his bagel. It tasted kind of funny so he looked down at it. There was mold all over the part that he'd just bitten out of and it was slightly soggy on one side. He gagged and tried to hide his disgust by screaming silently in his head. He looked up at the bus driver, made eye contact, pointed to his mouth then to the trash. The driver nodded and Zach nearly threw up into the trash can. He threw the rest of the bagel into the trash.

"What the-. Man, that was a waste. You coulda just given it to me", the bus driver said with a sad look on his face.

"Oh no, trust me, you wouldn't have wanted this one."

"What was wrong with it?"

"It's best that you don't know, I did take a huge bite out of it."

"Okay, I see how it is. I'll just sit here in suspense."

They went on in silence. His stop finally came. Luckily he'd regained his breath a few minutes before because he'd have to run yet again to make the next bus. There really is no use in waiting for the next one anyway, besides if I get there early I'll be able to use the wifi for a whole hour without being bothered. He ran to the next bus stop and he finished combing his hair. Honestly, I have no idea why I even try. It just gets messed up anyway, he thought with a sigh. The bus came and the driver gave him the same confused look, but he didn't say anything. Zach sighed again. This is going to be a long day. The bus was fairly empty so he was finally able to sit down. Well, he would've sat down, but he scared that if he did he wouldn't be able to stand up again. His next stop came and he walked to the school. There was next to no one there and the gates on the side he was on were locked. What the heck is up with my luck today?

"Hey there, Zach! Whatcha doin' behind bars?"

Zach jumped up. He turned around and saw a janitor carrying a leaf blower on the other side of the gate. He was looking the other way so he hadn't seen the man coming.

"Oh, hey John. I'm too early, huh?"

"Nah, earlier than usual but not too early. I was just about to unlock this gate. You're pretty lucky."

"Ha, I'm really not. If only you knew."

John raised an eyebrow but didn't press for details. He unlocked the gate and let Zach inside. The school looked bigger than usual without anyone there. Even with that being true, the college next to it could practically eat it. John Barrick High School was a school that you could only get into if you were smarter than the average student...or just really rich. Zach's dad was pretty rich, but that's not the reason he was able to attend, despite what everyone thought. The moment he was admitted into the school he was able to learn every lesson with no problem and pass every test with flying colors. Except in history that is. He would try so hard, but every time he would write a side note on several questions saying that it wasn't entirely true or that the facts were wrong, especially when it came to tech history. His teacher would give him a C every time. That was the only thing that would lower his grade. Because of that he was only sixty-eighth in the school in history, but overall he was fourth. He'd try to focus and learn it like everyone else, but it was painful. Zach sighed, then again, it's not like I can change what's in the text books anyway. Not that they'd believe it.

"Hey, Zach! You can't go inside yet."

He realized that he'd been walking toward the door of the school without thinking. Oh Raak, this has to be the medicine that's making me so absent minded. He turned and sat down on a bench that was next to the door. He looked around and saw that it had started to snow. He grabbed at his shoulder to wrap his jacket around himself. Holy sh*t, I forgot my jacket! Oh why is the world so cruel to me? He sat in the cold shivering. He heard crunching sounds in front of him. Ah, probably some idiot that wants to pester me. The crunching sounds stopped about a foot away from him. He gritted his teeth and waited for the taunting. It didn't come. Instead some hair dropped down into view and something warm was wrapped around his neck. He started to panic. Crap they're trying to strangle me! No it won't end like this! He jumped up and swung at the person in front of him. They ducked and grabbed his arms. He was about to kick forward when the person started talking.

"Oy man! Talk about PTSD, I just thought you looked cold so...well, you're obviously not. You should have just said so."

Wait, a girl's voice? Crap this could've been someone's girlfriend. He looked up and saw that it was Rina Mayori. Oh, dang it. She used to date that guy on the basketball team, didn't she? He started trembling.

"H-hey ar-aren't you that g-girl who used t-to date that one guy? I-I-I'm really sorry I di-didn't know wh-who you-"

"See? The cold is getting to you already! And you're right I USED to date him, but not anymore so you don't have to worry."

"B-but you're a g-girl! I st-still shouldnn't havvve d-done that. I r-really-"

"Geez, man. Be quiet already it's way too cold to be talking right now. Let me guess, you haven't had breakfast, huh? Let's go get something to eat, shall we?"

"N-no, I-I'll be fine. Besssidess I-It's t-too cold to walk."

"Then I'll warm you up."

"Oh g-god no! I cannn j-just."

"Hmm, okay then I'll treat you. It'll be worth the walk."

"N-not that eeither! I-"

"Yeah, well, who's gonna stop me, huh? St-St-Stuttering Stanley."

She turned around and started walking. Zach sighed. This girl here. He got up and followed her. It was already coming down in sheets. He could barely see anything. Rina looked back and frowned. She walked back towards him. 

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