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There is tell of an island that is said to be credited by the phoenix God who lived there for thousands of years. They say before there was land there the Phoenix God would come by and inspect the area looking for a place to rest, and he chose the same spot in the water each time. One day he decided to create something that was as mighty as he.

He stretched out his wings and started flapping them forcing the water to part in the shape of himself. Then he called upon the Earth Goddess to raise the land, and she did. The new island was in the perfect shape of himself with his wings stretched.

Every day, he would leave then come back and lay on his island, continuing to do this for thousands of years, but he noticed nothing was growing he wanted life on his little island, so he called upon the Earth Goddess once more and asked why nothing would grow.

She told him he had the rock of earth, but there was no soil, so nothing could grow. Saddened by this news he went back to his little island and laid down. He didn't move for decades when suddenly his time came he bursted into flames and his body became ash covering the island.

But he didn't come back they say he was so sad that he lost his ability to rebirth himself the Wind God noticed and brought over different types of flowers and tees to attempt to create what his friend could not.

The Sun Goddess also took notice and promised to keep the island in her light during the day. The Moon Goddess, though couldn't care less, agreed to look over it during the night.

The roots from those plants the Wind God brought over started to dig into the odd soil, but couldn't support themselves, and they died. After years the dead plants decayed and turned into soil, real soil, and new plants grew from the seeds of the old ones theses could support themselves, then hills formed.

One day people found the island in search of the phoenix God the story of the phoenix God was carried by the Wind to the people, so they decided to live here and gave it the name The Burning Island.

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