Chapter 1

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The orphanage is right in the middle of town with shops on either side of the gravel road before us. As I walk down the road, the gravel under my feet made a crunching sound with every step I took. As I passed by people, I gave a friendly wave and smiled, even if it was false, they returned it then went back to their daily routines of baking, selling, or simply shopping.

It was especially warm today birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and laughter filled the air as I passed by the shops on my way to the hill.

In the center of town was the shops: the Cobbler; who makes shoes, the bakery, the bookstore; a personal favorite, flower shop, dress shop, and, of course, the orphanage. Outside of the Town center is the homes of the people who work and shop here. Higher class citizens lived further out some don't even live on the island, but they come every now and then to see who they can screw over. The docks we're a little ways away from the town.

I exited the center of town and entered a bad part of our town. The streets were full of desperate people ready to do desperate things for food or warmth, but I knew this place and these people usually left me alone. As I past a particular burned down house, I got a nostalgic feeling. I looked at it for a moment before continuing with my job.

Once I had made it away from the town, all that was left to do was climb the hill. I hurried wanting to get back to the kids and my day off. I walked up to the hill quickly, then stopped for a short rest before running up the mountain like hill. When I reached the top I, once again, stopped to rest. As I placed the bucket under the well, I pumped the water then looked over the village. I quickly, yet carefully, pick up the bucket and head down the hill.

Once I was down, I made my way to the dock, in record time, pushing past some people who where in my way, almost tripping in the process. “Where the hell have you been?” Boss yells as I set the bucket in front of him, my legs shaking from all the running. “First, you keep them waiting with no water. Then, you push them like they're regular filth like you.” I try to defend myself, but all it did was earn me a slap across the face. I grit my teeth as I try to act like it didn't hurt, while casually placing my hand over my right cheek “If people wouldn't notice, you'd disappear without a trace.” he threatened.

I nod then turn to leave “Hold on, I'd like for him to show us around the ships” a slightly familiar voice says.

I look up to see that guy from the top of the hill “Sorry, but it's supposed to be my day off” I say keeping my hand on my stinging cheek.

“Hey, don't be rude what ever they want, you will get it for them” Boss says

I sigh then motion for them to follow me to the first ship. “As you see, we can fix just about anything from ripped sails to broken walls. We also clean them, so you'll be ready to go as soon as you get on” I state bored.

“Hey, G what are you doing isn't it your day off?” I hear a female voice yell from above me.

I look up to see my coworker Lea, a nick name I gave her since I couldn't pronounce her actual name, sitting on the Gaff of the main sail “Yeah, Boss is making me work, more than likely not going to get paid for it either” I answer.

“You're right!” Boss yells from the dock

“Anyway what are you doing up there, you're going to hurt yourself” I say crossing my arms

“Pssh, please I know what I'm doing, I'm just tying down this rigging any way” she says leaning back on her hand as she held up the untied rigging “What are you going to do about it water boy” she taunts

Suddenly her hand that was supporting her slipped causing her to flail her arms and legs as she fell. I sigh and step forward letting her fall into my arms “Yeah, you totally know what you're doing. Why don't you take over showing them around and I'll tie it down” I propose.

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