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I looked over the island I call home as I sat on the Yard of the main topsail with a rope in my hand. I've always enjoyed the view from here it's calming "Geno get back to work!" I hear my boss yell.

"Right away!" I say and tie down the rig then I jump onto the bottom yard of the main topsail before using the rig that connected the main topsail to the fore topsail as a zip line, holding onto it with my bare hands then dropping to the fore mast, grabbing the rigging sliding down to the fore boom, and jumping on to the top deck.

I make sure my scarf is still tied around my arm as I look at the fixed rigging "I'll never know how you do that with ease" my co worker what's her name says, it's not that I don't bother to know her name its just too hard to pronounce.

"Enough slacking off, Geno I want you to walk up that hill, and get some water, and clean these decks, and since you want to show off you get to clean the yards and booms." boss says throwing a wooden bucket my way

I catch it and walk towards the hill boss pointed at which just happens to be the tallest on the island, meaning by the time I get back it'll be dark and when I finish it'll be morning. I hate my boss he always makes me do over time, just because I'm good at my job? Or something like that maybe he just hates me either way, but I don't mind when he makes me walk up this hill to get water at least I get to see the beautiful view. It's better than on top of the yard, from here I can see everything at once and it is beautiful.

When I finally get to the top of the hill the sun starts to set I sigh as I look at the beautiful view, the colors reflecting off the water on to the village "Well hello" a voice behind me says.

Startled I turn around quickly to see a tall skeleton standing behind me. He wore a tight-fitting purple velvet coat with a silk shirt under it that hung loosely on his abdomen, he also wore brown close fitted trousers made of cotton. To sum it up he was a high class citizen which probably explains why I've never seen him before "Um, hi?" I reply placing the bucket under the pump well.

"So how long have you lived here?" the man asks.

I give him a suspicious look before turning back to the pump "All my life, I've also worked here all my life something you wouldn't know anything about" I spat, I hate rich people.

"No need to be so hostile, or to be so rude"

I aggressively pump the water into the bucket "Well maybe I wouldn't be so hostile if you privileged assholes would do some God damn work for yourself instead of making us do it then screwing us over. Just a thought" I chide picking up the bucket, and started to walk away.

"If you had a chance to leave here, no rich or poor statuses, would you?" the question made me freeze

I turn to the mysterious man with a questioning look "Why do you ask? There's no point in you to think that, you have it all" I puff rolling my eye.

"Because if you did I know someone who could use someone like you to work for him nowhere near rich or poor statuses, unless they need supply, so what do you say" he procured

"The day people lose statuses is the day this island burns and the 'great' phoenix comes back, but if I had a chance yes I'd leave" I state and walk back down the hill

Once I got back it was completely dark, but I got straight to work knowing the consequences if I didn't do what I was told to do. First I mopped the deck making sure I didn't track any dirt as I did, after that I wiped down the rails. It was hard to see at first, but my eyes adjusted fairly quickly to the little light the moon gave me luckily it was brighter to day, thank Amaris.

Then I started wiping down the masts reaching as high as I can before moving on to the other side.

I guess I should explain who I am, if you haven't figured it out already my name is Geno. I work as a boat repair man, I'm a poor citizen, the guy I described was a rich citizen you can tell by the clothes. Rich people wear velvet, silk, leather, or satin which is strictly for high class citizen, while low class citizens wear wool, linen, and sheepskin.

Like I mentioned before I hate high class citizens not just because they think their all high and mighty, though that's part of it, but because they took everything from me it's their fault I have nothing, no one, and why I cover my quote as they're called.

The quote is words you are born with, it's what your soulmate is supposed to say to you, but because of those bastards I keep mine hidden. I never take off the scarf. One: to hid my quote. Two: because it belonged to someone special to me and I will be damned if I lose the last thing I have of them.

As I mentioned I work as a boat repair man, my boss the ass who made me do extra work for no reason is a rich man he owns the boat repair business. He doesn't work he sits there and watches us work along with yelling at us, but why would he need to work he's rich his whole life is perfect.

What that rich guy said got me thinking 'Would I be happy living somewhere, where statuses don't exist?' Not like it'll ever happen, but it is a nice thought. I look up at the sky from where I sat on the yard as I finish cleaning the last one.

I then jump down and head to my place of dwelling the local orphanage. Yeah, I'm too old to be an orphan, but me and Toriel had an agreement. I help her at the orphanage, entertaining the kids, and she'll give me a place to sleep, a roof, and food things I lost when I was younger, but didn't dare ask for. I slowly enter the house careful not to wake anyone up "You're home late" Tori says startling me.

"Yeah my boss made me work over time I just finished, but as always I'll help with the kids until I go back in tomorrow" I say holding up my right hand as if I was under oath

"I appreciate it Geno, I know how hard that man works you. You can go to bed".

I nod and head to my room, as I was passing the kids room I open the doors making sure they're all in bed, then head to my room, once I enter my room and close the door. I change into my sleep clothes, placing my scarf next to my bed. I get in the bed and fall asleep instantly.


It's been days since my in counter the that mysterious man at the top of the hill, since then I haven't seen him. Today I have the day off, so I'm spending it with the kids.

"OK, it's story time" I announce then hear the kids run down the stairs, once they all came down they took their seats. I walk over to the bookshelf and asked "What story do you want to hear?"

"You said you were going to read your favorite one, Geno" Frisk says. Frisk isn't an orphan they're Toriel's kid, but they still like to participate in the activities the others do.

"Alright, my favorite is the giving tree. I like the message it has" I say grabbing the book of the shelf.

"What is the message?" Angel says, Angel is Deer monster.

I sit on the floor with the kids "I'll read it to you and you tell me what you think the message is" I say opening the book and began to read "Once there was a tree who loved a little boy".

Every time I finished a page I showed the kids the pictures. They all listened intently some leaned forward wanting to see the pictures faster.

When I finished I closed the book "So what do you think the message is?" I ask standing up.

"If you are generous to people they'll leave you with nothing" Ben says

My eyes widen 'I never thought of it like that'

"No it's to give without expecting anything in return" Bailey, a human, says

"Well the message is what ever you take away from the story so you both can be right. I think it shows a parent child relationship in a way, the tree plays with him, helps him grow by feeding him. Then after he has grown up is still there to help him build a house, then a boat, and at the end he just visits not needing anything else. They are both happy." I say, smiling sadly.

"I like that message" cinnamon bun, a small white bunny monster, says

I smile until there was a knock on the door. I walk over and open it to see my boss. "Can I help you? You do know today is my day off right?" I say confused.

"Yeah whatever I need you to go get some water it's very important. I'm having some guests look at the ships we've repaired they said they might stop and get there's repaired" he says tossing a bucket at me "Get to it".

I look at the five kids sitting on the floor. "Toriel is upstairs making the beds be good for her I'll be right back" I say. I walk out the door being sure to close, and lock it. Then I started the long journey to the hill.

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