Journey's Destination🥳

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It was finally Friday! I woke up Cailee so we could get ready! Come on Cales! Fine! She says reluctantly. We put on our clothes ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ ( Cales on left, J on right) . We arrived to school and once we get there we go straight to class! We don't have the time for no one today. As the day went on I kept getting snaps from Alex saying how much he was ready for me to come today! Honestly I was psyched! I didn't see Amber today. That was the best part about it! Cailee and I got checked out around before lunchtime. We went to Chipotle. After I got my bags, Cailee asked my dad if she could stay with him while I was gone, I was so happy when he said yes! I just want her to be happy! She deserves a better life. My dad and Cailee went to take me to the airport. When we got there I had 15 minutes before my flight was ready *15 minutes later * it was time to go and Cailee gave me a hug and said. Have the best time ever. I smiled at her, then went on the plane. I boarded quicker than I thought. It was taking a little longer than I expected only because we had to reroute through Kansas. I slowly went to sleep and was super ready to be there already, I was so ready I just couldn't wait. All through my sleep I was dreaming of being there already.;

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