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Richie's POV

I tried to push it as far out of my mind as possible. Nope, nope, nope. This was not happening. Just a coincidence. No big deal.

I tried not to think about it, but that didn't mean my mind didn't try just as much to force the memories into my mind.

I was minding my own damn business, smoking a cigarette and thinking about whether I wanted to make a quick snack run or not, when my bathroom door opened, and all of a sudden Eddie screamed and backed away.

He seemed frozen in place, and as much as I tried to stop myself, my eyes slowly trailed down his chest, down until...

All of a sudden he had slammed the door shut, and I was left blushing furiously, staring stupidly at the ground as he asked for a towel.

It was a week later and I still couldn't believe that I had just stood there.I positively refused to acknowledge the fact that the first thought that floated through my mind when this occurred was: Holy fucking shit I want to fuck him.

Because I, Richard Tozier, was perfectly straight, thank you, I had plans for a date with a beautiful girl named Jane,  and I was living my best heterosexual life. Of course even if I was gay, my dad would never approve. He had made that extremely clear when I was 16.

As I sat in my 3 pm arts administration class,  I again tried and failed to keep the memories out of my brain, which was proving more difficult as the teacher droned on. The memory kept playing in my head over and over again and.

Shit, I need to get to a bathroom right now.

I stood up, stealthily tying my jacket around my waist and quietly leaving the class, making my way down the long hallway. 

I went to a smaller college, and the campus was just a little bit larger than my high school, meaning all the classes were in the same building. It was nice to not have to walk that far to get around. Not so nice when Eddie just so happened to be in the same restroom I was in. 

I almost squawked in frustration. This was the last person I needed to see right now. 

He chanced a glance down. "Um, Richie, do you need me to leave or something?" He asked, looking very uncomfortable in this situation. I pulled the sleeves of my jacket around myself tighter.  

"No, I just... shouldn't you be in class?" I asked, quickly trying to change the conversation. 

"I needed to take my pills." He said, motioning to the plastic container full of different colored pills that was still open on the counter. 

"Is that what the timer on your phone is always going off about? Jeez, what are those even for?"

"Well, they're for... uh.... my sicknesses?" He sounded as unsure as he looked.

"What, are you a pill popper?" I asked, smirking.

"Please I would never. And even if I did, you are in no position to judge. Your whole bedroom reeks of weed."

"What can I say? I like being stoned." I said, smiling lazily.

"Anyway, I would tell you what the pills are for but I'm sure you wouldn't understand." He said, crossing his arms.

"Just because you're studying to be a nurse..."

"Nurse practitioner." he corrected

"Whatever, same shit."

He rolled his eyes. "Fuck off. You're the one coming in here with a fucking boner."

I smirked. "Yeah I was thinking about your mom-"

"Beep beep, Richie!" He shrieked

I raised my eyebrows. "Beep beep?"

"Just shut up." He muttered, beginning to pack up his pills. 

"Hey", I said, an idea suddenly popping into my head. "Maybe you can help me out with something."

He put his pill case in his bag and turned to look at me. "What kind of something?"

"There's this girl I like, Jane. And she has this friend, Max. She's a cute girl, red hair. Anyway, she's been saying that we should all go on a double date and most of my guy friends are in a relationship so I was wondering..."

"You want me to go on a date with some random girl I don't even know."

"Well, yeah."

"I don't... I don't know if you... I, uh..."

"Spit it out." I said, confused at what he was trying to say.

"Im... um... I'm... never mind, I'll do it."

"Great. I'll text Jane and let her know. Does 8 p.m. on Friday work?"

"Yeah, that's fine." he said in frustration.

"Oh, and wear something nice, but not too nice, ok?"

And with that I was out the door, leaving Eddie a blushing mess.

I wonder what the hell that was all about, anyway. 

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