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Eddie's P.O.V.

It had been two weeks since the kiss and I was convinced that I was going insane. Richie had been avoiding the topic completely, but that didn't stop the relentless flirting that he had since adopted. 

It wasn't just flirting either. 

Every now and then his hand would brush my back, or he would squeeze my shoulder as he walked by. It was like he was asking me to do something, but every time I did, he would suddenly become less confident, making some excuses and running away to his room.

I had finally had enough of him fucking with my brain. One Friday night I was sat on a chair, scrolling through my Instagram feed. Richie was laying down on the couch, blankly watching the T.V.

We were sitting in a comfortable silence in an uncomfortable heat when when Richie groaned in what appeared to be frustration. "What's up?" I asked casually, not looking away from my screen.

"Nothing. Just this stupid wedding I have to go to next month. My dad is trying to set me up with this girl and I have to dance with her at the wedding."

"That doesn't sound so bad. It's just one little dance, right?"

"Knowing my dad, he'll force me to dance with her at least five times."

"Damn, you're dad sounds controlling."

"Only when it comes to my love life. Other than that he couldn't give a shit whether I live or die."

"Why's that?" I asked.

"I went through some shit when I was 16. He found out and was pretty upset about it. Said I had to get over it and... anyway though, that's in the past." 

It was silent for another minute before he spoke again. "Although there  is one person I wouldn't mind slow dancing with." He said, wiggling his eyebrows teasingly.

"Richie, don't... don't do that. Please."

"Don't do what, babe?" He said in the same teasing tone. He was sitting up now, staring at me with mischievous brown eyes.

"Don't call me babe." I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

"You got it, Eds."

"Don't call me that either."

"If you insist, baby boy."

"Oh my God."

"So the thing about this wedding is, I don't know how to slow dance." He continued in a casual tone. "Like, at all. I have two left feet. So I signed myself up for dance lessons, cuz I can't go making a fool of myself in front of everyone."

"And?" I asked, looking at my Instagram still.

"Nothing. Just thought you might wanna know what's going on in my life. What's up with you?"

"Why do you care?" I asked bitterly. 

"Because you're my roommate." He got up and strode over to the chair where I was sitting.

"And you're my friend." He said, shoving me over so he could sit down beside me.

"And I just thought that's the kind of stuff you're supposed to ask your roommates and your friends. You know, casual conversation."

His face was so close to mine that we were breathing each other's air. His lips ghosted over mine and i was about to let myself give in, about to kiss him and forget that I was angry with him just seconds ago.

Just as we were about to meet in the middle, I pulled away quickly, scrambling out of the chair as if I had been burned. 

"No! You don't get to do that!" I yelled. "You can't just play with my feelings like this, you asshole!"

"I'm not trying to play with your feelings." He said, standing up so that he towered over me.

"Then why the FUCK won't you talk to me about it?!"

"About what?"

"You kissed me, Richie! You kissed me twice in the same day and now you won't stop flirting with me but then you just run away and and just...just... FUCK!" I seethed, my anger boiling over. "What do you want, Richie?!"

This question seemed to stun him. He looked at me with a raw vulnerability in his eyes.

"I-I don't know. I don't know what I want."

"You're so fucking confusing!" I shouted, still on a warpath. "Do you like me or not? Huh? Well, Rich? I'm waiting."

"I don't know." 

"Of course you don't. How convenient for you to not know how the hell you're feeling."

"I just-"

"You just what, Richie? You just don't want to admit your gay? Is that it?"

"No, I'm not gay."

"Fine. Bisexual, then."

"No." He looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"I don't care what you are! You need to keep me out of this bullshit you're pulling to try to figure out your sexuality or... or whatever it is you're doing."

"I don't need to figure out my sexuality! I'm straight!"

"Then fucking act like it!"

There was a moment of deafening silence before he spoke again. "I don't... I just want..."

"What? What do you want Richie?" I hissed.

"You." He looked surprised that the words had come from his own mouth, but he kept talking anyway. "I want you, Eddie."

I sighed, thinking everything I had just heard over before speaking again. "That's not very straight of you."

He chuckled quietly. "I'm sorry I'm such a shit show." He uttered. 

I smirked. "It's ok. I'm a mess too. I guess we both are, huh?" Another moment of silence passed. Richie was the one to break it this time.


"So what?"

"Do- do you feel the same way?"

"Yeah. I guess I do."

"And what does that mean for us?"

I sighed. "I don't know. We could just stay friends. Remain platonic. But I don't think either of us wanna do that. But then again, I don't think either of us wanna tell the world we're gay either."

"I'm not gay." He said quietly. "I'm straight."

"Ok. I guess. Um." I took a deep breath. "Well, I dated Peter for two years without anyone finding out. Maybe we could... keep it on the low?"

"Keep it on the low?" He asked, quirking his eyebrow in a challenging manor.

I took a few steps closer to him, placing my hand on the side of his face and rubbing his temple with my thumb. Slowly, I pulled him closer, kissing him gently. I pulled away painfully slow, finally looking into his Earthy brown eyes with an air of determination.

"What people don't know won't hurt them." 

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