February 1972

209 5 1

"Y/N/N, darling!" Freddie exclaimed happily, embracing Y/N as she stepped into his flat. "We weren't sure you would make it," he smiled into her hair. She smiled as well, before breaking away and sending a smile to the rest of the band scattered around Fred's place.

"I wasn't sure either, to be honest," she sighed tiredly.

"Well, look who showed up! Finally took a night off, did you? Realized you need to get a bit of a life?" Roger teased from across the room, several beers in his arms.

Y/N rolled her eyes as Freddie shut the door behind her, but she still wore a smile. "Given the choice between work and spending time with you, I'd gladly choose the former," she shot back. As he handed her a beer, Roger chuckled. Despite the teasing nature of their friendship, she could still get him to genuinely laugh from time to time.

The laid-back night was one that they all needed. Y/N had been working non-stop the past three weeks, and Queen had just finished up a mini tour of colleges and pubs throughout the country. A night full of laughs and drinks among friends was the perfect cure for their exhaustion.

Freddie had put on a few records once the conversation had died down, insisting that everyone dance, and due to the alcohol coursing through them, most of the people in the flat did just that.

Y/N and Brian, however, were perfectly fine sitting on the couch and enjoying the half drunken show in front of them. They giggled from time to time when their hazy mindsets picked up on a particularly funny dance move from Deaky or Freddie. Y/N sighed in content and let her head fall on her friend's shoulder.

"Can I ask you something?" Brian's words were quiet enough to slip under the music, only audible to Y/N.

"'Course," she hummed, taking another sip of beer.

"Is there anything between you and Roger?" Unbeknownst to Y/N, that question had been rattling around in Brian's head since the night her and Roger met.

She chuckled through her sip. Y/N had thought about it too, when they first met. The curiosity started and ended that night. "Between Rog and I? The only thing between us is space, I assure you."

A deep "hmm" came from Brian's chest. "Are you sure?" His tone wasn't what Y/N expected on the topic. She knew Brian had even warned Roger against flirting with her before they'd even spoken, so why did he sound like he was disappointed by her answer?

Y/N leaned back to meet his blue eyes, with her own squinting in a suspicious confusion. "Do you want the answer to be something else?" Brian looked over at her accusational tone.

"Well, I don't know..." he trailed off, but it didn't sound like he was done quite yet. "Recently, it seems like you may be a good match... Plus the teasing you always do seems alarmingly close to flirting." Y/N's squint spread to the rest of her face as it contorted in confusion.

"I respectfully disagree. We just find it funny to rile the other up. Plus, I don't give nearly as much of a shit about cars as he does. That alone would make us incompatible," she said through a chuckle. "I think we, in fact, would be an awful match," that she said sternly. Deaky stumbled over to the couch and plopped down on Y/N's left, and while he was more than slightly tipsy, he evidently still picked up on the conversation.

"Who would be an awful match?" he asked through a relaxed sigh.

Y/N glanced over to the guy in question to confirm that he was still unaware of the conversation happening on the couch. "Me and Rog."

"Oh, yeah you'd drive each other crazy," John confirmed nonchalantly, to Y/N's satisfaction, and Brian's discontent.

"Thank you," Y/N crossed her arms triumphantly.

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