August 1972

163 4 0

It was nearly four in the morning, his day had mainly consisted of draining musical arguments, and yet Roger couldn't fall asleep. He couldn't get the sound of Y/N's voice out of his head. And, focusing on that part of the night was much more favorable than focusing on how her head on his shoulder affected him so much.

Wiping the sweat off his brow, Roger couldn't find an answer as to why no one had heard her sing yet. Y/N was talented, really talented, why didn't she want to show people that? Sure, she said she was self-conscious, but no one had drawn it out of her yet? Not even Brian? Then, Roger made up his mind. He was going to tell the band about Y/N's voice, and then she could see that she had people supporting her.

The next day, Roger did just that.

He sauntered into recording studio the next afternoon, practically giddy to tell the band about how talented their friend was. It was only the band recording that day, with everyone's dates or girlfriends not jumping at the chance to sit through another argument filled recording session. Y/N would be there soon, due to a few of her lyrics strewn through their music.

"Good afternoon lads," the drummer called through the room, catching the attention of Deaky, Brian, and Freddie who were talking amongst themselves and tuning their instruments.

"You're quite chipper today. Should I not expect as much rage as last night?" Brian asked teasingly. Roger chuckled, much to the surprise of the rest of the band, and set his jacket on the couch.

"You know what Bri, we can keep that song as is. I found something else that could make our album eye-catching," he paused for a moment with a satisfied smirk on his face. The other band members looked at him with expectation, but Roger was stretching it out as long as he could.

"Bloody hell Rog, what do you mean?" Deaky asked frustratedly.

"Our own Y/N Y/L/N has an amazing set of pipes," Roger said finally.

Silence settled over the members of Queen before Freddie asked a question that wasn't exactly on anyone's mind until it was said. "Is this your way of telling us you and Y/N finally slept together?"

Roger's eyes widened at the question, as did Brian's. "No, no that's not... What I mean is that Y/N can sing. And really well too," he clarified. However, that didn't ease everyone. Brian had a hint of betrayal etched onto his features upon hearing that, which contrasted John and Freddie's pleasant surprise.

"How do you know?" Deaky asked the drummer.

"When I came back in last night, she was singing 'Doing Alright.' I only caught a bit of it, but she sounded lovely," he explained. "I think she could bring another angle to our album if we all show our support for her. She doesn't-"

"Roger?" Y/N's voice suddenly came from the door frame, which caused all of their attention to pull towards her. "What the hell is this?" Her quiet tone quickly turned betrayed. Roger was hoping she'd react much more positively to the situation, but given her reaction, his heart started to drop into his stomach.

"How long were you standing there?" he asked somewhat nervously.

Y/N scoffed ironically. "Long enough to know how much of an ass you are," she said bitterly before turning and disappearing down the hall, no doubt aiming to leave.

"Nice one, Rog," Brian said flatly. It earned him an impatient look from Roger over his shoulder as he raced after Y/N. Brian went to follow them, but Freddie caught his arm.

Y/N couldn't stop a few tears from falling as she walked out of the studio. While she felt betrayed by Roger, a part of her wasn't surprised. It was honestly a shock he waited as long as he did to tell the band one of Y/N's biggest insecurities. She shoved the studio door open, with the August heat doing nothing to help her hurt mood. She sighed and wanted nothing more than to be alone, but the last voice she wanted to hear said something behind her.

"Y/N, wait," Roger called out from down the sidewalk. While she didn't want to, at all, Y/N pulled her feet back and tiredly turned to the drummer.

"What, Rog?" she snapped.

"I'm sorry for telling them, I just-" he started, looking honestly sorry, but Y/N was pissed.

"You just what? Honestly, what was going through your head when you told them something that I asked you last night not to tell them?" she said with a hurt tone, voice starting to rise. "You knew how much I wanted to keep this to myself, why would you tell them?" She was starting to let her tears fall freely, which wrenched Roger's stomach with guilt.

"I just thought if the rest of the band showed their support, you would see you're talented and could even make a name for yourself in the industry," he said with cracks starting to form in his voice.

Y/N scoffed. She shook her head at the explanation. "I can't believe I was dumb enough to think you'd consider someone other than yourself!" Her voice finally tipped over into a yell.

"You said you wanted to be a singer!" Roger yelled back, matching her passion.

Y/N squinted in confusion. "When did I say that?!"

"The night we met!" Roger shouted with a hand threading through his hair. That caused Y/N to take a beat. It was a fair hesitation, since it had been over a year ago.

She carefully dried the tears that had slipped down her cheeks. " remember that?" Y/N's voice dropped down to a surprised murmur. She studied the drummer's features that displayed guilt, but he seemed to genuinely want to help her.

Roger let a calming breath pass through his nose. "You said you wanted to become a singer when you were a kid, but you gave up on it," he almost whispered. Like he was ashamed of being sentimental.

"I said that I outgrew it. Which is true and...practical!" Y/N exclaimed. "I may enjoy writing songs and singing every once in a while, but I don't want to be a singer anymore! Not everyone who likes music wants to be a rock star Rog! I thought you could at least respect that this isn't for me..." She could see the hurt in his eyes immediately after saying what she did. Despite Y/N feeling a sting herself, she spun around to stop the guilt eating at her stomach. She kept walking down the sidewalk, and Roger didn't follow her.


So this one's a bit short, but drama! Always fun. Anyway, thanks for reading! How do you guys like it so far? 

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