January 1975

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"I told you guys to hurry over an hour ago, where have you been? Roger's not even with you!" Y/N said frustratedly as three members of Queen filtered through her front door.

"Well, you could have told us whatever it is over the phone," Brian countered, earning a shove from Y/N.

"No, no I couldn't have. Sit down." Y/N pointed to the couch, which they filed onto at her order. There was a seriousness to her tone that made it clear she had something important to tell them. That and the fact that she remained standing as they sat.

"Now, is this champagne celebratory or is it to soften the blow that no one wants to work with us?" Deaky asked, picking up the bottle of champagne from her coffee table.

"Yee have little faith in our fearless manager. Go on, Y/N. Tell us the good news," Freddie said confidently, which gave Y/N a warm feeling in her chest.

"I don't want to tell you until you're all here," Y/N sighed. She stalked over to her front window, scanning the street below for any sign of Roger, but turned up with nothing.

"Oh, just start without him. We can catch him up later," Freddie insisted. Her focus was pulled away from the window. Despite her desire to tell all of them at once, Y/N couldn't help it. The giddiness of the situation got the better of her.

She walked back to her coffee table, standing opposite the band members. "After only two months, Sheer Heart Attack has reached the charts in the U.S. Top 10 last I checked," she said with a small smile. The reactions from the boys was something she wished she got a photo of; all their mouths dropped open almost simultaneously.

"Oh my god!" Deaky laughed lightly.

"That's fantastic!" Freddie said in the same moment.

"Maybe we can map out a tour there soon?" Brian directed his question at Y/N, who already had a knowing smile.

"You never fail to read my mind, May. I've already put one together." No, that was the look she wished she could capture.

"What?" All of them said in unison. There was a flatness to their voices that showed just how genuinely shocked they were initially.

"Have you boys gone deaf recently?" she teased and crossed her arms over her chest.

"You booked us a tour of America?" Deaky asked the question on the band members' minds.

Y/N couldn't contain her excitement any longer and she finally let a wide smile loose. "I most certainly have."

It seemed that moment was when they all realized what she said, as they all jumped to their feet. They embraced their manager, shouting congratulations and thank yous, excitement tightly grabbing hold of all of them. Somehow over the commotion, Y/N heard the rumbling of Roger's overworked engine in front of her building. It was quickly followed by the buzzing on Y/N's intercom. "That's Rog, I'll go let him into the building," Y/N said, though it was muffled by Brian's chest, as they were all still hugging each other tightly.

She broke free from the group, making her way to her door. The remote buzzer on her intercom had been broken for months, so she darted out the door to let him in manually. Happiness was still pumping through her veins as she bounded down the steps. After a year and a half, Y/N finally felt like she'd made the boy's proud.

Suddenly, Roger rounded a turn in the stairwell, nearly running into Y/N. Someone else must've let him inside.

"Alright, I'm here, I'm here. What was so urgent?" Roger said out of breath.

Y/N smiled as she paused on the stairs. "You all are going on a tour of America." Roger's face lit up instantly at the news, his eyes practically sparkling up at her from the stair below.

"What?! Are you serious?!" Roger exclaimed.

"No, this is all just a cruel joke to get you all to hate me. Of course I'm serious, you twat!" Y/N laughed. The laugh was cut short when Roger wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to the stairwell's landing.

"Holy shit!" he laughed, spinning her excitedly around. Y/N tapped his shoulder, silently asking to be put down, but was wearing a smile herself. Roger obliged, sloppily setting her on the ground, and pressing a quick kiss to her lips out of excitement.

Y/N froze at the action. Roger, on the other hand, seemed unfazed. "Are the rest of the lads upstairs?" he asked. Since the overjoyed look hadn't left his features yet, Y/N assumed he was oblivious to what he just did.

"Uh, yeah. Door's open," Y/N muttered. She pointed a thumb to her door at the top of the stairs, and Roger raced up without another word. Y/N, however, brushed a hand over her lips out of shock. There was a slight tingle when he kissed her, but it must've been the adrenaline, right? She had a boyfriend, for fuck's sake. And it wasn't like it was a real kiss... Just a friendly peck on the lips. It happens...right?

August 1975

"A farm? Really?" Roger asked, exhausted by the idea already.

"You already agreed to have a change of scenery for this album, and that scenery is in the country." Y/N's tone was much calmer, happy even.

"How much of a farm are we talking here?" John asked gently from the couch. He had been sat next to Roger, but the drummer had headed for the whiskey at the corner of Y/N's office.

She rolled her eyes, smile still prevalent on her lips. "Oh, come on. It's only a few months, tops. And the farm is quite cute. The owners haven't even heard of you, you'll just be normal lads writing some songs in the fresh air."

"So, you won't be bored at all either?" Brian teased.

Y/N quirked her brow for a moment. She got to her feet behind her desk and grabbed the bottle of whiskey from Roger. "First off, this isn't for everyday use," Roger waved her off, "and second... I won't be with you. Not for the first week, anyway," Y/N spoke like she was trying to hide her guilt. With a glance to the couch, she saw that all four of them wore a shocked expression.

"Why the bloody hell not?" Roger questioned.

"So, you're shipping us off while you, what?" Freddie asked before she could respond.

"Colin's taking me away for a week. Venice," Y/N couldn't help but smile as she spoke. "I'll be free to join you in the middle of nowhere after that."

"Say no more. Don't feel guilty for flitting off for a torrid affair," Freddie said as he got to his feet. The singer comfortingly kissed Y/N on the cheek, as if to give his approval.

"Excellent planning, Y/N/N," Brian smirked tauntingly.

Y/N crossed her arms over her chest. She did her best to mirror his teasing expression. "He surprised me with it a few days ago. It's our first real trip with each other, and personally, I believe I've earned it. Haven't you lads been nagging me to 'live a little' anyway?" The band still seemed less than pleased at the idea, so Y/N continued, in a much blunter way. "Oh, unclench all of you. This is supposed to be a fun trip. You all are writing a new album! Chin up!"

That was easier said than done for one of the band members. While Freddie, Brian, and John let some slight smiles through, Roger still wore a scowl.

On their way out of Y/N's office, the boys made it known that his scowl was noticed.

"Alright, what was that about?" John sighed.

"We have to spend months in the middle of bloody nowhere, driving each other mad, that's what that was about," Roger said flatly. He'd barely left the building before lighting up a cigarette. "And you know I don't like the bloke that much..." he muttered that last bit.

"Which you still haven't given a proper reason on," Brian added.

"I've told you," Roger groaned, "I just don't like him. He gives me a weird feeling. I just don't think he's as perfect as Y/N thinks, is all." Though he wasn't looking, Roger just knew the other members of Queen were giving each other knowing looks as they all walked down the street. He just didn't have the energy to care that much anymore. 


This one's a bit short, but I didn't want to separate the January bit and the August bit cause it would've been even shorter. So! Here we are. Anyway, thanks for reading!

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