October 1974

150 4 0

"Deaky, I really don't have a lot of time, I have a meeting at noon to-" Y/N started, sounding a bit exhausted, but John interrupted her as he pulled her into the studio.

"I know, I know, but you have a few minutes. And we have a song to show you," he said with a giddy smile. She narrowed her eyes at him as they walked through the studio halls.

"Is this the super-secret song you all stopped playing whenever I walked in? Or kicked me out whenever you had to practice?" Y/N asked, frankly amused. She didn't know what to expect from the secrecy, and just assumed it was something they had a lot of hope in, so they wanted to surprise her with it.

"Yes, in fact, it is," Deaky grinned. The sound of the rest of Queen warming up filled the otherwise quiet studio, and they rounded the corner and saw the rest of the band already at their instruments, excited as ever.

Deaky dropped Y/N's arm and sauntered over to his bass before slinging his arm through the strap. Y/N took a look at the rest of the guys, who were all smiling suspiciously, looking practically giddy to start playing. She crossed her arms, taking it upon herself to sit on the booth's couch. "Well?" she asked with a raised brow.

"This is called 'Killer Queen,' and I have a feeling you'll rather like it," Roger said from the drum set.

"Alright, knock yourselves out." That was all they needed Y/N to say before descending into the song. Freddie started a rhythmic snapping at his side before the opening lyrics.

"She keeps a Moet et Chandon, in her pretty cabinet," Freddie sang, accompanying the lyrics with some simple piano. Y/N lit up a cigarette in an attempt to relax and really absorb the music. "Let them eat cake, she said, just like Marie Antoinette," the rest of the lads joined in with the rest of the instrumental and Y/N looked between the four of them admiringly. "A built in, remedy from Kruschev to Kennedy, at any time an invitation you can't decline. Caviar, and cigarettes. Well-versed in etiquette. Extraordinarily nice."

"She's a killer, queen!" The rest of the band joined in with the vocals, harmonizing as gorgeously as ever. "Gunpowder, gelatin. Dynamite with a laser beam, guaranteed to blow your mind. Anytime." Y/N listened along to the song, and couldn't help but reflect on the past year as their manager. Though it had only been a year, she got the feeling it was the career she was meant to have. Sure, it was frustrating and difficult at times. Since she was managing her friends, whenever they got rejected, she felt that rejection too. But they actually gained some traction in the past year, with their second album nearly released, and a possible BBC appearance in the works. But why did they not want to show this song to her until now?

"Perfume came naturally from Paris. For cars she couldn't care less. Fastidious and precise." That line suddenly cut through her reminiscing. For some reason, she related to it quite a bit. She wore Chanel, and certainly thought flashy cars were pointless. Maybe they thought of her for a line? The song could certainly be inspired by a combination of women in all their lives, with different lines inspired by different women.

"Wanna try? You wanna try," Freddie sang what appeared to be the last line of the song while Brian played the last decrescendo, so Y/N clapped her hands together once they finished.

"Really great stuff, you guys," she smiled. The guys set their instruments down, or stood up from them, and congregated in front of Y/N while she stood as well. "But why didn't you want me to hear it until now?"

"Because it's about you," Freddie said, looking between the three other musicians. "So I'm glad you liked it."

Y/N couldn't help the shocked expression. I guess it wasn't just one line... she thought, but more and more thoughts started to quickly build up. They dedicated a whole song to her? An entire song? And Killer Queen...that's how they saw her?

"Y/N?" Brian said, shaking her from her thoughts, with a falling smile.

"You guys wrote that about me?" she asked, voice almost nonexistent.

"Well, technically Rog did," Deaky grinned and earned a frustrated look from Roger, "but we all added a little something." Y/N glanced to Roger. He had a light blush dusting his cheeks and seemed to be avoiding eye contact with her.

"It's a thank you for all you've done for us the past year, darling," Freddie added, so Y/N pulled her focus from Rog. "Since we met you, really."

"Everything from talking some sense into us when we're being morons, to fighting label executives who want us to change our sound. You've been there. We wouldn't be Queen if it weren't for you," Brian said so genuinely that tears formed at the corners of Y/N's eyes.

"Alright, I'm hugging you all. Right now," she sternly said, arms out as she wrapped the band in a tight hug. "Thank you, so much," she sniffled as they pulled away.

"Oh don't cry, dear," Freddie said with concern. Y/N waved him off as she dried her tears.

"No, no, they're happy tears. I just love you guys a lot, that's all." Y/N smiled sappily at the boys, who seemed the get misty eyed at the sight of her. She wasn't expecting that when she walked into the studio that day, but she was more than glad that that's what they had in store.

The fact that she had to be somewhere very important soon quickly pushed its way to the front of her mind.

Y/N looked to her watch; 11:42 a.m. "Shit, I have to go. I really wish I didn't have to cut this short since you're all about to cry," the band chuckled, "but I have to see someone who may or may not work at the BBC." Y/N spun around towards the door, leaving Queen to interpret the name drop.

"Top of the Pops?" Roger asked hopefully. Y/N smirked over her shoulder.

"Possibly," she called cheekily. "See you later, lads!" With that, she disappeared through the studio door.

A silence settled over the band, but they all gradually turned they gazes to Roger. The drummer glanced up to Freddie, Brian, and Deaky's stares, and whatever happy bubble in his chest popped at the teasing that was bound to happen.

Roger sighed dramatically. "What is it?"

"Nothing, nothing. I just want to ask, one more time..." Freddie started, wearing his trademark knowing grin. "Do you have any feelings for Y/N? Any at all?" Roger rolled his eyes.

"How many times do I have to say we're just friends?" he groaned. For years, since he met Y/N in fact, the band had been prodding him about the same thing. Roger assumed they hounded her about it too.

"Enough to explain why you wrote a song about her?" Brian added flatly, but cheekily.

"Am I not allowed to write a song about one of my friends?" he defended.

"Haven't written a song about me," John teased. Roger only rolled his eyes again.

"We don't control where inspiration comes from. She happened to inspire me, because she's my friend. Men and women are allowed to be friends, you know," he added defensively, a huff leaving his chest. The rest of the band only chuckled.

"I'm shocked hearing that coming from you, dear," Freddie smiled. "You're sure you don't want to ask her out?"

Roger practically glared holes into the singer's head. "I'm going to say this one last time, and hopefully you twats will understand." He looked to the other three to be sure he had their attention. "I don't want to date Y/N. I don't want to date anyone, I like variety, so I'm going to stick with it," Roger said sternly, with a bit of frustration. "Besides, I wouldn't want to just shag Y/N once and never call her after that. She means too much to me. To all of us, in fact," Roger's tone dipped into something soft. "Does that answer your question?"

The band exchanged a look. While they weren't entirely convinced at what Roger was saying, they knew he'd had enough of their pressing about it. It had been three years, after all. If Y/N and Roger were going to get together, they probably would have done so by now.

"Alright, alright. Whatever you say, Rog," Brian was the first to concede, throwing his hands up to further. The rest of Queen murmured and gave up amongst themselves, finally allowing Roger to sigh in relief. 


Thank you everyone for reading! I'm having a really fun time writing this story, so I appreciate you guys reading it! Love you xx

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