The Mysterious Guy

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I am just a normal working girl living her best life busting table. I have no other choice I left college because I want to pursue my passion to cook. But instead cooking, now I am the one who serving the food and serve the people in restaurant. I could go to culinary school but my parents would not pay for it. They make it clear if I want to go to culinary school I have to find the money alone. Soon after I got out from house and living in cheap apartment and working 3 jobs just trying my best to live and try to save money for culinary school. Which at this point is impossible?

The only thing that could make my life interesting is the fact that the diner that I am working in is not far away from the one and only S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters. There are a lot of agents during the lunch time eating and hanging out at this diner. I really love working here because of that particular reason. Every agent have different stories when doing their mission even though they are mostly confidential and I am of course not allowed to even hear the full detail and they are not allowed to talk much about it outside of the Headquarter. But sometimes hearing them telling their stories to fellow agent is really interesting.

I have a friend working as an agent there. Well, I usually serve her when she is around and like any other good waiter I listen and sometimes giving in a free advice. I don't know if that could be called as a friendship. Her name is agent Miller. That's how everyone called her around here so I do believe that is her name even though she never mentions it to me. Yeah, I know what you may think that is not a friendship but what can I say I don't have a lot of friends and not really have a good experience around that area.

You may wonder if I ever see those heroes. The Avengers. Do they ever come to the diner for lunch? Do you ever serve them their food? What food they are eating? Do they even eat like a normal person? The answer is no. I don't know. They never come here for even a coffee so I have no idea what they are like. But considering they are famous and they are in fact the Avengers. I mean do they look like someone who just burst in the diner and order a chicken waffle? Don't get me wrong our chicken waffle is excellent but you get what I mean.

Well until it changes. One day Steve Rogers also known as Captain America is sitting in one of the chairs and ordered some bacon and eggs for breakfast. Steve Rogers is actually there and enjoying his food and his coffee. Seem strange of course. The whole diner went in silence when he walks through that door is like they never thought and did not believe that he is actually there. And oddly enough he is normal. He is just a man who wants his bacon and eggs with extra hash browns. He did not act any differently or even eat different than what usually I serve.

Agent Miller the next day come in and really curious about Captain America come and ate at this diner.

"Did he really just order some bacon and eggs? What did he order for a drink? Did he talk to you or anyone?"

"He ordered it with extra hash browns and a cup of coffee and no he did not talk to anyone he just sitting there enjoying his food." I answer her with a long sigh.

Everyone and every agent that come today have been asking the same question. And some fans even sit in the booth all day and ordered bunch of food just waiting for Steve Rogers come to eat here again. Hoping for him to come and have breakfast there again.

In the weekend I am a bartender at a bar that's still in the area. The bar usually doesn't fill with agents so it makes this job less interesting. But you have no idea how many people here confess things to me while they are drunk. Mostly problems with their marriage, relationship, jobs, and sometimes their sexuality even. As a bartender is a must for me to listen to them it's just a thing I guess.

One night I was serving one guy and he just keep ordered some neat whiskey but I have no idea why he haven't got drunk that night. That of course a little weird considering how much whiskey he has that night. But he is talking to me. So I don't know if he is really drunk or just talk to me voluntary. Because most of people that come in to the bar do not talk to me unless they are drunk. Most of them come here to be alone.

"I have rough day" he said out of nowhere

"Oh yeah? Why so?" I asked him

He then stay for another hour and tell me about today is a day when his co-workers died. He told me how she died and how well they can work together as a team. Her name is Peggy. It's her death anniversary. He told me near this day his brain could not work properly and he is not himself anymore because of he just keep remembering her while he is working.

"I am so sorry for your loss" I said to give my condolences to him

"Thank you. And I am sorry if I disturb you from serving another customer"

He noticed that for the past hour I just listened to him instead actually serving anyone their drink and just let my co-workers serve them. I don't know why this guy is oddly sound familiar somehow. But I could not see his face so clearly because he is using a baseball cap hiding his face. Beside that I actually feel his sadness from his voice when he told me about his loss. I actually feel bad for him and his co-worker.

"Come here again Sunday night and I will sing for you" I said to him

My third job is I am a singer at this bar just for just once a week. My voice is not the best but honestly I think the owner is desperate looking for singer after his last singer quit.

"Sing for me? What is that supposed to mean?" asked him confused

"Not in a weird way. I sing there every Sunday night." I pointed the empty stage "Usually they won't care what song it is so you can request something if you'd like. Probably can ease your mind a little?"

"I don't see you as the one that sings but I will be here and you can sing whatever you want since well, you are the one who sing" He said with a smile.

I don't usually invite people to hear me sing or even watched me sing on a stage. I am a shy person and my voice is not that good. I sing here just for the extra cash and my employer is desperate. So it's a win-win situation. So, trust me inviting him to watch me sing is a big step. But something about him I can't quite sure what is it. I don't even take a good look at his face and obviously I don't know his name. I called him the mysterious guy.

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