Did You Just Ask Me Out?

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The next day in Monday agent Miller come to have some breakfast before she get going to the office. She ordered her usual and tell me about her weekend. She just spending weekend doing paperwork as usual. It’s a very usual Monday morning for me. Except, of course I look like I have not sleeping for a week my eyes are both puffy and I am very tired. I didn’t listen to any word agent Miller has to say since my brain full of what happened last night.

My thoughts got blurred when I heard someone is screaming. Steve came again and his fans are wilder this time. There are a lot of girls and boys waiting for him outside since the diner is full with their fellow Captain America fans. Since Steve already come here 2 times every Monday, Monday is our rush day. The diner is always full because of his fans. My boss isn’t exactly angry because of the crowd sometimes can be overwhelming, it’s good for business.

Steve sits in front of me and next to agent Miller. She just plays it cool sipping her coffee while sometimes change look between me and Steve. Steve ordered the same thing he ordered before and he didn’t say a word. His fans are still there until he left without even say anything to me. I feel kind of weird since we actually spend a lot of time last night but he didn’t say anything not even a simple ‘Hey’. But I didn’t think anything about it but well I feel sad but in other side what I’m expecting. He is Steve Rogers. If he in fact wants a girlfriend, he could just choose some model. What am I? I’m just a college dropout who doesn’t even have a decent family.

I finished up my shift and getting ready to closed down and go home. I walk home as usual and alone of course. I finally arrive to my apartment and in front of my building there is so guy look like waiting for someone. I grab my pepper spray just in case that guy does anything to harm me. I always brought pepper spray in my pocket because of course I always walk alone in the middle of the night.

I walk down and opened up my bag to grab my key. I walk past him and he suddenly grab my hand and without giving him a chance to even move I sprayed the pepper right in his face. He groans and takes a step back with his hand cupping his face. Then, I realize it was him. Steve is the guy waiting in front of my building. I just pepper sprayed Steve Rogers.

"Oh my God! Steve! What are you doing here? I thought you going to kill me or something!” I shouted to him.

“You just pepper sprayed me in my face!” he shouted back.

“Yeah! Because I thought you are a serial killer!” then I calm my voice down realizing what I just did “Okay, I’m sorry I pepper sprayed you. But, you know you shouldn’t really grab my hand like that” I said to him apologizing.

“I’m sorry I’m grabbing your hand because I was waiting for you and when you finally here you move so fast that I didn’t get a chance to say hi so out of nothing I just grab our hands slowly so you will notice me” he said that with his teary eyes.

I just realize that he didn’t even grab hand that hard. He just slowly takes my hand and out of nowhere I pepper sprayed him. I was thinking of my dad. He used to grab my hand while he hit me so I can’t run. Because of that, I always so sensitive when a guy or anybody try to take my hand.

"I’m sorry you were right you just try to take my hand. I’m sorry I did that. It just reminds me of my dad and you wouldn’t know that because I haven’t told anyone.”

“Your dad? What are you talking about?” He asked curiously.

“Come in. wash your face with warm water and I will tell you all about it” I said to him while opening my door.

After his face is cleaned I make him some tea and I tell him about my dad and my parents. How they got so different after my sister passed away. How my dad suddenly stop being a dad and just being a drunk man who come home just to beat me and my mom. I tell him about how my mom blames me for everything that happened. My life become so different just after my sister passed.

“So they just pretend to love you because of your sister?” he asked breaking the long silence after I tell him the story.

“I think so I don’t know for sure but it seems like it.” I let out a long sigh “So, your face is better now? I’m sorry because of me your whole face and your eyes is red”

“That’s fine you just try to protect yourself and I’m sorry that I take your hand like that. I have no idea about your abusive dad and anything about it.”

“That’s okay. So, why are you here in the first place?”

“Ah. I just want to say I’m sorry I didn’t say hi or anything this morning at the diner. There are so much people and I really don’t want you to become a target for my fans to talk about or hate or anything else. I don’t know what would they think when they see you talking to me.”

"So you are embarrassed to talk to me?” I asked him.

“No! It’s not like that! Being famous isn’t exactly nice. I’m being just a simple little guy that no one notices to the members of the earth mightiest heroes. I don’t really like it. So I really don’t want to push you to that world just yet.” He smiles.

"Yet?” I asked him.

“Yeah, maybe if you want to… you know… maybe have some dinner at some fancy restaurant? Or do anything you like honestly. We can do anything!” he said nervously.

“Did you just ask me out?”

"Yeah I think so? I don’t really asked girl out that often. I never really met a girl that I would get out with you know?”

“Fine. I’ll go out with you. When I finally have time in my hand.” I smile.

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