I Need to Tell You the Truth

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***Steve’s point of view***

I froze when I see a blood coming through Nia’s body. I tried to save her but at this point I have no idea what is going to happen. Nia is unconscious when they take her to the hospital. They never found who the shooter is and I didn’t get any chance to see and go after them.

“Steve what the hell happened here?” I heard Natasha asking me. But I ignore her.

“Steve, are you okay? What happened to you? Steve?” Natasha asks again.

“Oh. It’s you. Yes…um… yes I’m fine. There is a shooting here. The police not sure how many victims are there and there are no witnesses. So we have no idea what the shooter looks like or how many there is.” I said still in shock of what happened with Nia.

“Who is the girl? The one that you’re trying to save?”

“Oh… um… she is one of the waiters in this diner and she got shoot in her abdominal region. They are taking her to the hospital now.”

"Are you sure? Who is she Steve?” she asks again with persistent.

“She… she is a friend. Well, we went on date once. That’s all.” I answer simply.

“Go get her, they are going to rush her to the nearest hospital. I’m sure you want to be there when she wakes up. I’ll cover you” Natasha said and pointing at my motorcycle.

Without a second thought I follow the ambulance that took all the victims including Nia. She is rush in the ER and the doctors sent her straight to the operation room. The doctor can’t really tell me what is going to happen with her. When she finally got out from the surgery the doctors can’t tell if she is going to wake up or not. I sit by her hoping that she will wake up soon. This is all my fault.

2 days ago I was in mission with the Avengers. But this mission turns out to be nothing. We got some tip that HYDRA is operating in the small group in Russia. They are operating in small city that is not even on the map. It’s basically out of nowhere. They used the civilian to do their job building a weapon. We go in 2 small groups trying to save as many civilians as possible. But it turns out there is nothing. We only found a letter filled with threat against us.
They will kill every single person that each of us cares about if we don’t stop investigating where they are.

Most of us didn’t have someone we care about. Clint brings his family back to the S.H.I.E.L.D safe house. Tony put some agent and security for Pepper. I never think about Nia because to be honest we never even seen in public. There is no way they could find her.

So without thinking about her, the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D agent keep investigating and looking for HYDRA weapon factory. I came to the diner today because we got a new lead and I have to go again for couple of days. I’m at the diner today to tell her that. I’m also planning to tell her to be careful because someone may put a target in her back. But I guess I was too late for that. Now she is in hospital without knowing when will she wakes up or probably never wakes up again.

I finally decided that Nia going to have a better care and protected from any threat if she go to S.H.I.E.L.D safe house. There are doctors there that could take care of her and I’m sure she could get a better protection there. I pull up some strings, I told Fury that she is someone that I care about and the shooting that day is because of their threat to us.

“Steve who the hell is she?” Tony asked look confused.

“She is his friend” Natasha answers before I could.

“Good, now we have more people to worry about.” Tony said and looks away.

“Steve a word please?” Natasha called me.

"What is it Nat? Can it wait until the morning?”

“There is a mole. She or he has been giving HYDRA fake information but still there is a mole and we need to be careful on who we trust. I really want it not to be her but please just ask her when she wakes up okay?”

“Nat! She is not a mole. I trust her.” I said try to defend Nia.

“I’m not saying she is but we do need to be careful. Have you talked anything about our mission to her?”

"Yes. But the one is not classified and actually on public records. So the mole is not Nia.”

“Just ask her if she knew something. Just ask okay?” She said while walk away.

A mole? Nia would never do something like that is she? If she does, so everything is just an act? But there is no way she is a mole. There are so many questions in my head right now. I know Nia is not the mole but there is a part of me that still not sure. I hope she is not I really hope not. But the one who can answer is Nia and she is still in recovery not sure that she will ever wake up again or not.

Few weeks later I got news that Nia already woke up. Clint’s wife is helping with her recovery. I went there without anyone knowing because I don’t want Natasha to be there and ask Nia too many question about the leak of information. I just wish Nia is okay for now. I don’t want to lose her. I think I maybe fall in love with her. I just wish whatever we have right now could work out and at least she is fine.

I go in her room. She is still asleep because of the pain killers doctors gave her. I sit down by her side and hesitate for a minute whether I should hold her hand or no. The last time I tried to hold her hand, she pepper sprayed me. I smile remembering our night, one of the best nights. I slowly take her hand hoping that I don’t wake her up. I gently lift her hand and took it; I put my fingers between her fingers. I held her hand and it feels like a puzzle pieces match to one another. It feels so weird having a hand to hold to.

I never hold someone’s hand for months now, after Peggy died few months ago. I really think it’s going to be hard to find someone to love, after being with Peggy I thought it was impossible. Don’t get me wrong, no one can replace Peggy in my heart she got a special spot in my heart. But Nia, I’m sure Peggy can spare a place because I’m sure she approves my relationship with her. Suddenly her fingers move I looked up at her and that eyes are wide open, those beautiful dark eyes. She smiles a little and I never been happier to look at those lips turning into smile.

“Hey, you.” I said whispering

“Steve, what happened? Where am I?” I never know I could miss someone’s voice until I heard her again for the first time after few weeks.

"You got shot and now you are in S.H.I.E.L.D safe house with agents and doctors. Oh and also Clint’s family is here with you.” I said pointing my head to Laura

She looks confused maybe because of her medicine. I can tell her eyes, she look scared. I know that feeling waking up in different environment, in different location, looking at bunch of strangers.

“Don’t worry I got you, you will be safe here I trust this people here can take care of you, plus, I will be right here. Okay? And I think you don’t have someone I could call right?” I tried to calm her down.
“No, no that’s fine it’s okay I trust you and nope you don’t need to call anyone” She said with a smile.

But, I know she still have doubt so I keep holding her hands even tighter and give her a look ‘it is okay’ to her and she nod slowly. I told the agents to get her food and water because I know she would be hungry not eating a real food for few weeks. After few bites and a whole lot of talking I remember I need to ask her about the mole.

“Nia, I want to ask you about something, I need to ask this because I just need to make sure. So don’t feel offense okay? Do you know about anything, anything at all about the leak of information in S.H.I.E.L.D?” I asked her hoping she is innocent.

“Steve, listen, I need to talk to you about that. I’m really sorry. But, I really need to tell you the truth. I am the one who giving them the information.” She said looking at her hands and keeping her head down.

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